Eggette's Allergic Reaction

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Three classes went on a field trip to nature retreat they went hiking in the woods.

They looked at animals and they watched the movie it's Sonic The Hedgehog Movie.

"Yay I love that movie." said Monty.

"I love that movie too." said Tony.

Eggette decided to go to the bathroom in the woods.

Her two best friends Kingston and Zaiden followed her.

They relieve themselves.

"Aw yeah peeing in the woods." said Kingston.

Eggette spotted a beehive.

"Hey guys look a beehive on that tree."

Eggette picked up a rock and threw at the beehive.

Her friends did nothing to stop her.

Meanwhile everyone was watching a movie.

"What's taking 3 student so long." Mrs. Jones asked.

"Can any of you find them."

"I'll find them." said Miriam.

She went out to find them.

She saw found them in the woods she saw Eggette throwing stones at the beehive.

"Are you crazy Eggette you're going to get stung!"

"Aw come on what's the worst thing can happen."

She threw one more rock and the beehive fell to the ground.

The bees were angry they were buzzing.

"Let's get out of here!"

Everyone was running away from the bees.

But Eggette tripped by a rock.

The bees stinging her.

"Ow get away from me." she said to the bees.

The bees wouldn't go away.

They kept stinging her they sting her 20 times.

The bees had finished stinging her.

"My god Eggette are you okay." Zaiden asked.

"Yeah I'm okay." said Eggette.

She started to get hot and she was sweating.

"Are you okay." Kingston asked.

"Nah I'm fine." said Eggette.

"You do not look fine you're turning red." said Miriam.

Eggette started coughing and wheezing.

When got back Miriam told the teacher Eggette was got stung by bees.

Eggette couldn't breathe.

The teacher called 911.

Eggette was taken to hospital Dr. Greene give her a shot.

She suffered allergic reaction from bee stings.

Dr. Eggman was worried that she was going to die.

But she didn't she survived.

She stayed in the hospital for 3 days.

The lesson is do not tease the bees or going too close to the hive otherwise you will get stung by bees.

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