Commotion (Chapter 7)

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***Trigger warning- sexual violence***


Noise. Loud noise. And not the noise of men and women experiencing pleasure. But screams and hollering.

Goddess, what on Pinn-?

I jolt up from my seat, my accounting papers scattering forgotten on the table. My heart starts beating rapidly. Something is wrong.

My feet carry me through the door to the inner chamber without me commanding them, a rush of adrenaline filling my body.

"Goddess" I call out as I enter the room. It is in disarray, with one blond very naked Pinn punching another Pinn out cold. He lands on the stone ground- hard. The thud of his body against the floor reverberating through me. What is-?

Naked bodies stand around as priestesses and their worshipers are watching around the room. A few hold sheets or clutch clothing to protect their modesty. Some of the women are crying, some are yelling, some are watching with shocked expressions. Pinns too watch in horror at what I can only guess is s fight over a priestess. Such fights are rare but not unheard of.

In the time it has taken for me to look about the room, the blond man has stalked over to a naked priestess, who is lying on a bed. His hand is harshly wrapped around her throat and he is.... he is rubbing himself along her slit, preparing to enter her. Fuck!

I run towards the bed, but two worshipers beat me, dragging the man off of the bed and the priestess. He struggles against them, pulling, squirming, and cussing. The Pinns holding him are not small, but the blond man is strong with thick arms of roped muscle. He manages to pull his arm away from one of the men.

I punch him right in the nose.

Pain shoots through my fist as he falls backward into the other men who grab his arms again. Blood trickles from his nose. I think I broke it.

A naked priestess appears out of nowhere to hand me a white fabric belt from one of the worshiper's robes. I move around the struggling men and use the belt to tie the blond man's hands together as he struggles to get away. I pull the belt as tight as I can against his wrists.

"Fuck you! Wait until I tell fucking tell your High Priest, you'll be on the fucking streets before you know what fucking hit you!" the blond man spits angrily. He goes on to curse some more but I just ignore him. I'm not concerned with his ranting- the High Priest may be cruel but he doesn't take kindly to Pinns disrupting his temple.

By this time, more priests and priestesses have filed into the room. I gesture over two young priests who are standing by the door.

"Don't fucking touch me! The bitch...."

"Lock him in the file room" I yell over the blond man's ranting. Goddess, why does he have to be so loud?

They take him from the worshipers holding him and he continues to rave as they drag him out of the room. The sound of his struggling and anger filling the room. People back out of the way as he is dragged out.

I look about. Two priests and a priestess are seeing to the man knocked down to the floor, who is now awake and sitting up. So I look over to the priestess on the bed.

It's her, Rachel. The woman I haven't been able to stop thinking about for months. She is curled on her side in a fetal position, naked, crying.

I look around the room again. I am the most senior priest here, most are lower priests and so I need to get things back to normal. Aaron, a priest of the antechamber, enters and I know exactly what to do.

"Anyone who would like a rain check please see Priest Fedlam here" I point at Aaron who is wise enough to step forward.

"Are you able to handle this?" I ask the two younger priests tending the fallen Pinn. They nod. Good.

I turn back to the bed and look at her shivering frame. Poor girl. I bend down placing my arms under her back and knees. She stiffens, whipping her head around to look directly at me. Her eyes are red and puffy, her hair is stuck in every way.

I pick her up and even though she remains stiff, she doesn't resist or object. She's lighter than I thought, and her naked flesh warmly caresses my arms. I adjust her so her face is hiding in the crook of my neck so she doesn't have to see all the people standing around, watching.

A priestess, Marie I think, tucks a sheet around her body, and then I walk out of the inner chamber holding her. Protecting her from those who would just stare at her.

I think about taking her to her bedroom before I realize that I don't know which room that is, so I head towards my office in the East Wing of the church.

The hallway to the East Wing is longer than I remember and she grows heavy as I carry her. But I won't set her down.

Once we make it to my office, I shut the door with my foot. We are alone. My office is small and sparse. A desk filled with papers is lined against one wall, books are stacked on the floor with no bookshelves or cabinets to put them and I step over them on the way to my destination, a small two-seater couch that I inherited from the last Master Priest. I never use it so there are also a few papers sitting on one side.

I ignore them as I sit down still holding Rachel close to me. I loosen my grip so she can move away from me if she wants, but she doesn't. Her small fists grip my robes tightly and her head remains on my shoulder.

And so I just hold her for hours as I slowly feel the collar of my robe grow damp.


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