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Samyra stood by the car surprised as Armaan walked towards the car. He reached the car and the driver greeted him with smile which he fondly returned and the driver took his bags to put in the back seat of the SUV.

Armaan looked questioningly at Samyra and cleared his throat. Samyra came to her senses and said

"Umm..hi...I am Samyra."

"Oh wedding planner right?" Samyra nodded" I am Armaan" he said extending his hand and Samyra shook it.

They settled in the car and were on their way. As soon as the car started Armaan inserted Indian sim card in his phone and was selecting a data plan to start the internet connection in his phone. It was already 10.35 pm and he thought sphinx might be waiting.

On the other hand Samyra who had already texted A®maan on wattpad at about 9.15pm was checking his profile picture to be sure that the person sitting besides her was actually who she thought he was.

After about 15 minutes of silence Armaan asked her " Umm..so I thought mom will be coming to pick me up. Where is she?"

"Yes Aunty was gonna come to receive you. But the gang decided to go clubbing and Aryan is with aunty so she couldn't come."


" So you are Anshuman's fiancé?"

"Umm..yes...but technically we are still not engaged so not exactly fiancé"

"Hmm..point" he said with a chuckle." So what work I have to do in wedding?"

"No work...just..enjoy the occasion"

"That sounds like a plan" he said showing a thumbs up.

They reached the house and went in. Mrs. Khurana was waiting in the living room. She hugged her son tightly as soon as he came in. They stood like that for some time. By the time they seperated Mrs. Khurana was crying and Armaan's eyes were also little wet.

Samyra went in her room deciding not to disturb them. After few minutes there was a new notification in her phone. It was a message from A®rmaan.

@Sphinx Hi! Sorry for late reply. I am having dinner right now. Will text you in few min.

@A®maan Its k :-)

After about 45 minutes Samyra came out of her room to watch some movie on the television in living room. No one was in dining room so she figured everyone must have retired for the night.

She switched through the channels and found a nice James Bond movie "Die another day" just starting.

After few minutes she checked her phone and found his message

@Sphinx Hi there.

@A®maan Hi

@Sphinx How r u today?

@A®maan M great..u?

@Sphinx I am Awesome.

@A®maan So you still vacationing in Netherlands or have returned to Manhattan?

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