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Next day after her parents left, instead of going to office at 9 Samyra went back to sleep. The conversation with Anshuman last night and what her parents had asked her before they left were bothering her. She sighed and shutting all the curtains went to sleep.

She was woken up by her best friend constantly shaking her.

"Stop it K...let me sleep" Samyra groaned.

"Who are you? What have you done to my friend? " Keisha asked in a mocking tone. She snatched the duvet from Samyra and Samyra reluctantly got up with a scowl.

"Go away. I wanna sleep" Samyra said with a pout.

Keisha touches Samyra's forehead checking her temperature " Are you feeling good? Its 10.30 am and you still wanna sleep? "

Samyra shrugged "Its Saturday. And I need a break"

Keisha gave the biggest grin possible and squealed "My best friend is back" She hugged Samyra "Lets have some bff tine today shall we?"

Samyra nodded.

"You get dressed. I will prepare breakfast" Keisha said hopping out of the room.

Samyra smiled at her antics and went to the bathroom.

Samyra and Keisha were sitting on the couch having icecream and watching the movie "Letters to Juliet" after dinner.

They had spend the entire day together. After breakfast Keisha took Samyra shopping, Samyra prepared lunch, they went to beach in evening...and now after having dinner outside were relaxing.

As soon as the movie ended Keisha strached her arms " wow..it was such a cute movie"

"Hmmm..." Samyra replied taking the empty icecream tub and throwing in the dustbin.

Samyra was sitting on her bed reading a novel when Keisha plopped besides her." So when are you going to tell me?" Keisha asked.

"Tell you what?" Samyra said glancing at Keisha.

"You took a leave on a Saturday. You haven't done that in ages. There is something bothering you and I know it. Tell me, what's wrong?"

Samyra sighed loudly. She closed the book and rested her head on the headboard and shut her eyes.

"I just needed a break from everyone"

"Un..huh...does everyone include Anshuman?"

Samyra didn't reply for a minute but then she slightly nodded her head.

"Did he do something again? I swear m gonna show my karate skills on him if he did anything?"

"I guess your skills will have to wait." Samyra said with a small smile.


"Umm..its just that I feel I let my parents down. Because of me they had to look down in front of others. If I hadn't broken up the engagement things would have been different."Samyra told her what had happened yestrday keeping Anshuman out of it.

"Did uncle-aunty tell you this?"

"Ofcourse not...its just that I.."

"Don't think about all this. Your parents were always proud of you and they still are. Its your life and I don't know why you guys broke up , but me and your parents support your decision."

"But I feel like I am like a burden in them now. I don't like to see them worried about me. But this won't be for long. And I will make sure of it"

"What do you mean?"

"Mom told me that another proposal had come for me and she asked me if I would like to meet him"

"What did you say?"

"I didn't say anything. But I guess I should agree. If I get married they can be happy"

"What is wrong with you? You would get married to a random guy just like that? What about your feelings, huh?

"My feelings have never mattered to anyone K. Everyone just comes in my life, play with it and leave when they are satisfied. I am just tired of being there all strong. I have had enough."

"What about Anshuman?"

"What about him? "

"Don't you have any feelings for him? I have never seen you bond quickly with anyone else. You both were at so ease with each other. For me you guys were perfect together. What about that?"

"That...its..umm...everyone feels comfortable talking to me. Its the reason why working with strangers is easy for me. Its part of my job profile. That's the reason we are comfortable together. No feelings involved. "

" I have seen the way he looks at you. He gets bothered when you are with Abhi. He feels something for you, I am sure"

Samyra shrugged her shoulders
" But I don't think so. And anyways thats a closed chapter no need to talk about it"

"Ok. Just answer my one question. When you guys were engaged didn't you develop any feelings for him?"

Samyra was silent for a moment
"Yes, maybe I started to believe he is the one for me. I thought I can let him see the carefree me. I have never fell in love before. So am not sure if I loved him or not. But I cared for him. I don't know how and when he became an important part of my life in such a short time.But again I got a reality check. And then Abhi comes back and I don't know what to say" Samyra tells Keisha about her conversation with Abhi on terrace. Keisha was surprised on listening that.

"All these happened and you never told me?"

"M sorry. I didn't know what to say."

"You know back then even I thought you guys liked each other. "

"Maybe if I hadn't overhead all that who knows what would have happened"

"You would be officially my family member. That would have been awesome" Keisha giggled "But he is too late. My friend is already in love with someone"

"No I am not"

"Keep on saying that to assure yourself. You can't fool me"

Samyra became silent once again. She thought "Is it because I love Anshuman that his words and actions have so much impact on me. Why does the thought of him being with T bother me? Why did seeing him in pain yesterday made me sad. I have never cried in front of others but yesterday in his embrace I couldn't resist letting it all out. I felt so secured and safe with him around. Do I really love him?"

Her chain of thoughts where broken when Keisha hugged her "I know you are the mature one among us two. But this time believe me when I tell you that all will be well. Please don't take any decision for the sake of others."

Samyra nodded and both of them slept in Samyra's room.

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