Chapter 3: Isfrid, Sin of Gluttony and A Day at Chaldea

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A/N: Just contains the usual C H A O S of Chaldea and BTW if Isfrid speaks something that you don't understand, he's just speaking latin.

3rd POV

It was a 'normal' day on Chaldea, masters and servants doing their everyday routine which vary from socializing, training or playing, it was just a normal day, but for a certain icy servant, it's was an irritating day, why? Because 1. It's hot, 2. His food supply just got more limited and 3. He was irritated by his long hair, he just sat down in his room thinking of a way to solve these problems, problem one is already solved because he was about to do something that make a certain hot head, chill, getting an idea, he goes into the bathroom and closed the door, in the bathroom nothing can be heard except the sound snipping.

Olga's POV

I was in the cafeteria, looking out for my glutton of a servant to get his supplies, looking around I can't find even a trace of him and when my eyes landed on Mordred and the Artorias (all of them), I can tell that Mordred is also looking for him. I was getting worried when suddenly the sound of the cafeteria doors open rung in my ears, looking at the door I saw a face that seems familiar but I can't put a finger on it, he had snow white hair that fades into icy blue, 3 hair clips that kept some strands of his hair to the left, his left eye was pure white while the other was cyan, he had a few scars on both his cheeks, wearing a whitish turtleneck, but he has an emotionless face.

 I was getting worried when suddenly the sound of the cafeteria doors open rung in my ears, looking at the door I saw a face that seems familiar but I can't put a finger on it, he had snow white hair that fades into icy blue, 3 hair clips that kep...

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(A/N: This will be the permanent look until further updates.)

Looking around he spots me and did a small wave, before heading to Emiya for his food.

Olga: Does he know me..? From the look on his eyes and the gesture, he surely does....

I eyed him down suspiciously, he waited eagerly for his food, most of the people in the cafeteria were surprised to say the least, but turned cautious, approaching the counter he started to talk to Emiya.

???: The usual, Emiya-sama...

Emiya: Do I know you..?

???: Yes.... Did my hair made you not recognize me..?

Emiya: Come'on cut the chase, just who are you....

???: *Sigh* It's me, Isfrid....

Everyone: ....Eh...?

Isfrid: I just find my old hair style irritating....

Saying I was shocked is an understatement, I was astonished, how can someone look so different  with just their hair cut off?! I looked around and saw most of them shocked while the others were confused, most noticeably, when I looked at Mordred she was covering her nose while heavily blushing before removing her hand, revealing a nosebleed then falling backwards.

Saying I was shocked is an understatement, I was astonished, how can someone look so different  with just their hair cut off?! I looked around and saw most of them shocked while the others were confused, most noticeably, when I looked at Mordred s...

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