Chapter 4: "What is love..?"

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3rd POV

Currently, Isfrid is making his way to Artoria (S) to ask about this weird feeling he had been feeling inside of him for a few days, since Artoria IS an adult and had many experiences throughout her years, he decided that it is best to ask her about it, arriving at Artoria's dorm, he knocked on the door and waited for the previous Sin of Gluttony of Chaldea to come out and greet him, a few seconds later, Artoria came out of her dorm and stood infront of Isfrid in her casual clothing.

Currently, Isfrid is making his way to Artoria (S) to ask about this weird feeling he had been feeling inside of him for a few days, since Artoria IS an adult and had many experiences throughout her years, he decided that it is best to ask her abo...

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A/N: We'll address Artoria (S) as Artoria, Mama-Artoria as Lancer, Saber Alter as Salter, and etc.

Artoria: Oh! Isfrid, what brings you here..?

Isfrid: I have come here to ask a very weird question....

Artoria: I see.... Come in!

Isfrid walked in her dorm and saw a very casual room, not even a single weird thing it.... Or so he thought, in her room was a few posters of Shirou that was poorly hidden and was obviously panickly-covered.

Artoria: So, what was your question..?

Isfrid: I've been not feeling well lately....

Artoria: What do you mean..?

Isfrid: I have this weird feeling in my chest, my heart beats really fast and I can feel myself suddenly heat-up, I have a hard time getting words out of my mouth, resulting into what you call stuttering and that's pretty much sums up this "feeling".....

Artoria: I see.... I've had this feeling before and it's what you call love!

Isfrid: Love..?

Artoria: Yes!

Isfrid: What is love..?

Silence filled the room of the king britain, Artoria haven't encountered someone who doesn't know what love is in her entire life.

Artoria: W-Well.... Love is kinda.... Complicated....

Isfrid: How so..?

Artoria: First of all, Love is something you feel for someone special, someone you care about and are afraid to lose them, get them hurt or even get separated from them, you also show affection towards that person and secondly, when do you feel yourself like this..?

Isfrid: If my mind serves me right, only when I'm around Mordred....

Artoria: I see.... Is that all..?

Isfrid: Not quite yet.... I also wanted to ask what should I do..?

Artoria: Well you can-

Artoria: Wait! Isfrid is mostly clueless so he can be very blunt might say something stupid.... Merlin might have some words of wisdom to give Isfrid about this and Mordred.... This one is very stressful....

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