Chapter 7: Opposites & Shared Power

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A/N: Here I am back in another chp! Gomen'nasai for the late updates and poor fight scenes, also I have a new writing style just for this book, anyways E N J O Y!!!


3rd POV

Many believes that opposites aren't supposed to work as one, because they "oppose" each other, one can be red and one can blue, one can be bad and one can be good, "Everything Has an Opposite" they say.

And yet a living proof of opposites together are the heroic spirits, Isfrid and Mordred Pendragon, both are polar opposites to each other, Isfrid the stone-cold, calculating blue-themed hunter and Mordred the warm-hearted, reckless red-themed knight.

The two can be described as the Night and Day, the Light and Dark, and many more, without each other they can't function as they were supposed to be, without light there can be no darkness, without the Night, a Day will not even exist.

Earlier in the day, another meeting was held in Chaldea, the higher-ups said that there was another sighting of Ignis around abandoned villages, ruins, and dense forests, Isfrid and Olga was once again tasked to hunt down Ignis as he was the servant of a master who was full of ill-intentions, but this time Mordred was tasked to go along with them due to their last battle, Isfrid might need some sort of back-up.

Currently, the three are waiting while hidden within the town hall of a ruined village which was where Isfrid has tracked their scent.

[This could be a trap so we'll need to have a escape plan.] Olga stated as she actives a hologram on her watch that shows to layout of the village from above. [If this IS a trap, I want Isfrid a create a glacier wall to cover out escape and I want Mordred try and break that wall so it can create some smoke for us, then we'll make a run for it and come up with a counter-plan.] Olga said as the two servants nodded, Isfrid may not show it but he is quite annoyed that he can't face Ignis directly and kill for good.


Isfrid POV:

I faced the wall as I looked out onto the street below from a small hole that was made by those "wood eaters" that Goddess talked about, this place is very off.... The smell of burned wood is still here even though the reports say that this place was burned a few days ago, the scent is feint but I can smell gas and it smelled like it was just dumped in this town recently....

[Something isn't right, Olga-sama.... This place smells like it's been burned recently and I can still smell a feint scent of gasoline...] I said to Megami-sama (眼髪様), who nodded in understanding, I took a glance at Mordred and I can see that she can also feel the dread being emitted from every single corner of this town, I stood up from my spot and patted Mordred's shoulder before deciding to patrol this place just incase, I activated my 'Presence Concealment' and moved carefully in the shadows as I teleported from alley to alley, looking for any signs of Ignis.


Mordred POV

As Isfrid left our hiding spot, I readied my Clarent just incase we're going to be ambushed, this dread feeling is coming from everywhere.... I looked at Master and I can tell that she's nervous yet determined to end this mission, I silently sighed to myself as my eyes widen and by instinct I blocked a flaming katana before forcing a horizontal strike at the attacker that made them burst from the wall onto the streets.

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