Chapter 6: The "Pendragons"

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A/N: I have returned to continue the wholesome relationship of Y/N and Mordred which what I'll call "IsuMo!" and just a heads up, I'm planning on a Scathach, Jalter, Maybe Fem Gil and Emiya and Seiba x Male Reader stories [They will be separate stories, since I want to be unique in my own way and since more authors just go with harem]. Btw, Isfrid learned how to cook from Emiya a few days after last chapter, Anyways! E N J O Y

3rd POV

In one of the long hallways of Chaldea, Isfrid aimlessly strolled along the hall while looking around for something interesting, he kept walking forward until he bumped into someone, Isfrid stumbled back abit but regained his balance and looked down on said person, it was a small girl that looks no older than six with purple-ish white hair, line green eyes, white skin similar to his skin tone, gothic outfit and two daggers that are sheathed in their scabbards.

In one of the long hallways of Chaldea, Isfrid aimlessly strolled along the hall while looking around for something interesting, he kept walking forward until he bumped into someone, Isfrid stumbled back abit but regained his balance and looked do...

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Isfrid looked at the child confused of why she held sharp daggers, he crouches down to her level and tilted his head to side before asking.

Isf: Are you alright, child..?

The girl looked at him blank before saying something that'll surprise him.

???: Okaa-san..?

Isfrid stood there motionless until he lifts up the girl and stared at her before comical tears started to form in his eyes.

Isf: Yes, my child..!

???: Yay!

Isfrid hugged ??? which she returns the gesture and hugged her "Mother" tightly.

Isf: What's your name, my child?

???: Jack! Jack The Ripper!!!

Isf: 'Jack?' he thinks to himself. Well "Jackie" what would you like to do..?

Jackie: Stabbing!

Isfrid paused for a second before raising Jackie higher in the air and shouting.

Isf: You are my child!!! Now let's go and stab something!!!

Jackie: Stabby!!!

Isfrid placed Jackie on his shoulder with one of her daggers drawn as he materializes one of his gauntlet blades and ran around Chaldea looking for something or rather SOMEONE to stab.

Mordred POV

I was walking down the hall looking for "BakaFrid" since he said he'll cook me something because he wants to be a good "husband", not that I want to or anything but I need to eat! Anyways as I was walking, I heard someone shouting something from the other end of the hallway, something like "Get back here!" Or "Give me that leg, Jackie, Isfrid!"

Mo: What will BakaFrid do with a leg..? He isn't a cannibal, right..?

I was about to continue until I saw something zooming towards me, I moved out of the way as it passed me, my eyes widen to see Isfrid with Jack on his shoulder holding a bloody leg while they have a smile on their faces.

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