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NAGISING siya dahil sa naramdaman niyang may mabigat na kung anong nakapatong sa kaniyang tiyan. She slowly opened her eyes and looked beside her. Only to see Zacchaeus hugging her! Zio Anne eyes widened and her lips formed into an 'o'. Agad siyang napatili at napatayo dahilan para magising ang katabi.

"What's wrong with you?!" Zacchaeus shouted.

Imbis na sagutin ay ibinalik niya ang tanong nito. "You?! What's wrong with you?!—"

"There's nothing wrong with me—"Segunda ni Zacchaeus.

"Then why are you hugging me?! Why are we sleeping together?!"

Zacchaeus looked at her eyes then answered her questions. "I just want to." He said in a calm voice. " I just want to hug you, to sleep with you. I just want to be with you."

Natahimik silang dalawa sa sinabi ni Zacchaeus. She's mad at the same time nervous. There's so many 'what if' on her mind.

After a second or more Zio spoked. "You know what? I don't believe you. Ni hindi ko nga alam kung anong ginawa mo sa akin. Paano kung pinagsamantalahan mo na pala ako, ah?"

"Hindi ko naman gagawin yon sayo—"

"Says from the guy who kissed me without my permission then leave me?" Zio said sarcastically. "Really? Hindi mo gagawin sa akin ang pagsamantalahan ako?" Mapakla siya tumawa.

Zacchaeus sighed and looked down on the floor. "Okay, I'll tell you the truth. Nilagyan ko ng pangpatulog ang wine. Kahit ako ang naunang uminom sa ating dalawa hindi kaagad ako tinablan, ikaw din naman. I'm not expecting anything, I thought you will not drink but then you drink the wine like a water. Kaya siguro mas mabilis kang tinablan kaysa sa akin." Then he looked at Zio who has this shocked face. "Don't worry, I didn't do anything aside from we kissed and—"

Napakunot ang noo ni Zio sa narinig. "What?!"

"What?" Zacchaeus asked innocently.

"Aside from what?"

"We kissed." Hearing that Zio immediately made a way to attacked Zacchaeus.

"Sabi mo hindi mo ko pinagsamantalahan!"

"Hindi naman talaga, ah!" Saad ni Zacchaeus habang umiiwas sa mga palo ni Zio.

"Hindi, ah?! Do you want a real good punched?!"

Zacchaeus didn't even blink, "Yes, please." Nang marinig iyon ni Zio ay umayos siya ng tayo at agad na sinuntok sa muka ang lalaking katapat niya.

"Fuck! Baby Z, that was hard." Saad ni Zacchaeus habang sapo sapo ang muka. Well, Zio trained by her brother.

"You deserve it. "

"I think my bones on my face broke. Fuck! My poor handsome face." Hinimas ni Zacchaeus ang muka at tumingin kay Zio. "Why did you do that Baby Z?" Zacchaeus asked her then continously massaging his face, then Zio confused face looked at the man in front of her doubtful . Did he just called me Baby Z?

Unsure, Zio asked. "What did you called to me? "

"Baby Z." Zacchaeus said with a proud voice.

Aatakihin niya na sana si Zacchaeus ng biglang hawakan nito and dalawa niyang kamay. "You know what? When we kissed each other, it's not just one time but many times. We French kissed each other. You even pouted then pointed at your lips. Why? Because you wanted a kissed from me. As I said earlier, nothing happened to us, even though I wanted to. I'm willing to give myself to you, I'm all yours, but I'm thinking about you. I don't want you to get mad at me. That's why when you fell asleep I laid you on the sofa and... There, I fell asleep too. Baby Z. If you don't still believed me then go have a check up. "

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