Chapter 10

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Cora POV

I woke up in the dark not quite recognizing my surroundings. I only remembered when I noticed I was not just wrapped up in blankets. I tried to loosen the grip of Gally's arms, but for some reason he only gripped me tighter, even though he was sleeping. I decided to just relax, and I soon fell into a sleep of my own.

I woke up hours later to the sun shining through the window. I was covered in Gally's white duvet, my body crumpled into a spot he was once in. Why didn't he wake me?  I wondered.  I sat up throwing my feet over the edge of the bed in the process. I walked into my own room, and grabbed a fresh pair of clothes. When I was ready, I made my way over to the kitchen.

I spotted him over at one of the far tables, and decided to join him.  I figured I should probably speak to Newt later on, but I'm not sure what I should say. 

After a having a small argument with Gally at breakfast, I walked over to the gardens.  I figured that would be my best option of work today if I was going to be able to speak to Newt.

When I got there, I was surprised to see neither Newt or Zart.  Then I remember they have a gathering today.  Well, looks like I'll hang out with someone else.

I wondered over to the sloppers meeting points for the day to see if Chuck needed any help. Since Newt wouldn't be working as a track hoe, I figured I could hang out with Chuck.
"Hey Cora!" Chuck greeted, I shot him a smile. 

"Hey Chuck!  What can I do for ya?"  I tried my best to sound cheerful, even though I felt like I would burst from stress.

. . .

After hours of helping Chuck with laundry and such, it was finally time for lunch.

I saunter over to the kitchen, but on my way there, I spot Gally.

And he looked mad.

Gally stormed his way over to the doors. My mind could barely grasp it, but it looked like he was going to leave. My mind suddenly clicked, I bolted towards him.

"Gally!"  I shouted.  "Wait up!"  I ran up beside him, landing my hand on his shoulder to stop him.  He whipped around. 

"What now, Cora?!"  He snapped.  I stepped back, a little shocked at his outburst. 

"Gally wha- where are you going?"  I finally found my voice.  He sighed, stepping aside to face me better. 

"Cora....". He began.  "Way they said at the gathering...". It was now quite obvious that they had disagreed with him.  "I just need some space... some time to think...". He looked around nervously, his eyes looking cloudy. 

"Gally, if you ever need to talk about anything, you know I'm here for you."  I said, grabbing his hand.  "I'll always listen."  I tried to get eye contact, but he was still fidgety. 

"Cora, this is bigger than you.  This is something I need to face on my own."  He locked his eyes on mine finally as he spoke.  "I have to go."  He started to pull away. 

"Gally no!"  I grabbed onto his arm with both hands as he started to walk into the maze again.  "You always just walk away!  Why can't you talk to me?!  I thought we agreed to that?!"  His face was red with anger. 

"I agreed to nothing!  You need to get it out of your shuck brain that I'm the one with the problem!  Just leave.  Me.  Alone!"  When he jerked his arm away from me, I felt tears sting my eyes. 

"That's not fair!"  I tried to stop crying.  "Just wait, we can work this out!"  I tried to chase him, but stopped at the threshold of the doors.  "Gally...". My voice lowered to a whisper.  "Please." 

He stopped walking.  Then slowly turned around.  I watch him approach me, as if in slow motion.  Gally stopped mere inches away from me.  I felt the tears sting my cheeks as they rolled down.  His arm reached up, his thumb gently swiping a tear away.  Just as slowly he leaned in towards me.  When his lips met mine, my arms went up hugging around his neck, his arms wrapped tightly around my waist. 

He pulled away, our arms dropping. 

"I'm sorry."  Was all he said, before turning around swiftly, and running into the dark corridors of the maze. 

I stood motionless, watching as his tall figure disappeared around the corner.

"Gally....". I didn't recognize my own voice.


A/N:  sorry for not updating in so long... 😬🤪
Happy reading!
Anyone else curious as to what's in Gally's LETTERS? 👀 👀 👀 💖📖💖😍🤨🧐😎

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