Little Octi Lost

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The girls are competing at a kickball game. 

Commentator: Good afternoon kickball fans and welcome to the semi-annual championship game. A dramatic winner-take-all matchup between the Humongous Hawks and the Adorable Warblers. And this is it folks, last of the night, tie game, faces low. The kind of game you wait your whole life to see, make all the sweeter that it's going to be Powerpuff versus Powerpuff. Buttercup, pitcher. Blossom, kicker. But with lots of ultraseven the question is can she get out of her kicking slump right now? 

Buttercup: Not with my patented swizzle ball *spits on ball and throws*

Commentator: Here's the windup and the pitch and that one's gonna go it's gonna be gone adios fellow tastes just a high hop up in right field, it should be an easy catch. 

Bubbles: I got it, I got it!! 

Commentator: It looks like this game is officially- 

Bubbles: Wait, Octi you got it!

Buttercup: Octi? 

Instead the ball touches the ground and bounces off of him Octi's head tipping him over. 

Commentator: I can't believe it the inaudible or doing the adorable? They win! 

The Adorable Warblers team toss Blossom in the air while she is holding the trophy. Meanwhile Buttercup gives an angry look at Bubbles who was petting Octi on the head. 

Bubbles: Good try Octi 

Buttercup's head turns red in anger and explodes. 

That same night at dinner, Buttercup gave Bubbles the same exact glares as the boys start asking about the kickball game. 

Bash: So how did the kickball game go? *eats another piece of broccoli*

Blossom: *finishes sipping her juice* We won the game! 

Breaker: *throws arms in air* Yay! Congratulations Blossom's team!

Blossom: Thank you Breaker. 

Bubbles: Here comes the airplane

Buttercup: Dude Bubbles will you stop?! He can't eat peas any better than he can catch a kickball!

Bubbles: *gasp* He's still sensitive about that!

Buttercup: No he's not still sensitive cuz he's not real! 

Professor: Buttercup!! Everyone plays differently and if you can't appreciate that then I think you need to go to your room. 

Buttercup: Fine! But don't come crying to me if something happens to him, you can't watch that thing forever. 

Buttercup was now in their room sitting on their bed with her arms crossed. That's when she hears a knock on the door. 

Buttercup: Who is it? 

Blake: It's me dudette can I come in? 

Buttercup: Yeah

Blake opens the door and flies next to Buttercup taking a seat right next to her. Buttercup continues to have her arms crossed. 

Blake: Hey are you okay? 

Buttercup: No, my team lost the kickball game and it was all because Bubbles stupid Octi

Blake: *raises a confused brow* That's it? 

Buttercup: *lies down with a now blank expression* Yeah pretty much

Blake: *does the same* Are you really gonna let that get to you dudette? 

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