Tara Gets Captured

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(June 2nd, 2013. Six year old Tara and nine year old Maddie were doing online schoolwork when they heard the doorbell ring. Melissa answered it and at the door was a man in his late 20s and a few guards behind him. The man introduced himself as Dr. Hatch and he gave Melissa an offer to send Tara to his private boarding school for gifted children called Elgen Academy. Maddie wanted to go to the prestigious boarding school too but Dr. Hatch only wanted Tara. Melissa agreed to enroll Tara and made an agreement with Dr. Hatch to send her to the academy to let her stay there for weekends and home for weekdays. She signed a contract that stated that if anything were to happen to them, that Dr. Hatch would receive full guardianship of Tara. When they arrived at Elgen Academy, the head guard Mr. Welch walked in followed by Dr. Hatch holding Tara's hand. She looked around wide-eyed taking in all that the academy had to offer. She looked at a cute glowing blonde boy her age named Quentin Starr who was standing in front of her.)

Dr. Hatch: Quentin, this is Tara Ziegler. She's going to be staying here on weekends for a little while. I hope you'll show her around and make her feel welcome here.

(Dr. Hatch retired to his office with Mr. Welch behind him. Tara looked around nervously, then finally spoke.)

Tara: What can you do?
Quentin: What do you mean?
Tara: What's your power, silly? (She laughed.)
Quentin: Oh, I can create electromagnetic pulses. (Tara nodded, impressed.) What about you?
Tara: Does this give you a good idea, Q? (She gave Quentin a happy drug with her power and he laughed. He was impressed.)
Quentin: You can make people happy? Cool!
Tara: Not necessarily. I can make the mind experience emotions such as fear or happiness. (Quentin nodded, even more impressed.)
Quentin: Do you want to see the rest of the academy?
Tara: Sure. (Quentin showed her around the rest of the school, which took several hours. She agreed that it was extremely nice.) Your parents must be so proud of you, Quentin. (Quentin wiped away a tear and looked the other way.) Oh shoot, Q ... I didn't know. I'm sorry.
Quentin: It's okay, you're right. You didn't know. (Tara smiled for a minute and gave Quentin another dose of her happy drug. He gasped as he suddenly felt a rush of pure joy.) Thank you! That's so cool that you can do that!
Tara: Thanks. (Just then, a gothic little girl their age brushed past them. Tara shuddered.) Who is that?
Quentin: That's Nichelle. She's kind of mean and scary, but harmless. (Tara squirmed uncomfortably.)
Tara: I've never felt so afraid or weak in my whole life.
Quentin: Yeah, she can do that to you. She's kind of unpleasant. C'mon, you haven't met Dr. Parker. (Dr. Parker was the resident physician at the academy. Quentin took Tara to her office where little Tara had to get a medical exam done with vaccinations, bloodwork, an electrocardiogram, and a full-body MRI, and she had to do a weird test that tested her electricity, her secondary pulse. She was told to grasp two metal bars and she had electrodes attached to her body. After the exam, the doctor had her change into a thin cloth jumpsuit and Quentin took her to a cell. There she had an interview with Dr. Hatch where she signed a contract saying that she would obey all of his commands. She had dinner and spent the night in her cell. The next morning, another little girl her age that glowed, Brianna, took her shopping for a new wardrobe and she was transferred into a nice suite at the academy. Life was good for a while.)

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