Chapter I: Outlaws from the West

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The summer storm of 1899 was the most brutal storm in years. Crops became flooded, dams broke, and many travelers drowned due to the currents of the overflown rivers near the road.

However, deep in Black Bone Forest, the caravan of the Damned Posse is struggling to find shealter and warmth.

There were three wagons: the lead wagon held the supplies and tents, the second wagon held the weak and injured, and the last one was the war wagon that they stole off an ex military gang in '96.

Danse Maxon jumped down from the second wagon into knee high water and walked up the lead wagon, confronting Nate Harlow and Finnegan Merryweahter.

Danse: "Chris and I are f-freezing, and t-the boy and women are starving! We need to s-stop!"

Nate: "I know, me and F-finnegan are too. But we can't s-stop. If we do, w-we'll die. I sent Y-Y/N up ahead to find shelter."

With that, Danse hopped back on the second wagon.

Finnegan: "You think S-sly and Auzzy will be alright? T-they where pretty beaten up-p."

Nate: "I'm s-sure they'll be fine. It's Y/N I'm w-worried about. He's l-like a son to me."

Just then, a light came from the thick rain, reavling a young man on a Black Chestnut Thoroughbred with a painted ram skull mask and pink saddle. That man, was Y/N L/N.

Nate: "A-ny luck?"

Y/N: "Shoar. Found an old homestead a short ride from here. Should be just what we need. I got a fire waitin' for us."

Nate: "Lead t-the way.."

And with that, Y/N started to lead his gang deeper into the storm where the homestead is.

~four minutes later~

They arived at the homestead, quickly went inside. It was really dusty and old, but the roof wasn't leaking and the fireplace was still going.

Snow: "What are we going to do?"

She said in a worried tone, but Nate reasured her.

Nate: "Well the first thing you are going to do, is make sure you and your boy is warm and dry, while me and Y/N go and try to find Auzzy or Sly."

Y/N: "In this?"

Y/N looks out the window with uncertinty. It's still drowning the land around them.

Nate: "We can't leave both of them out there."

Nate looks at the starving and soaking wet people he called his family. He just wanted better for them. He snapped out of thought and looks towards Finnegan.

Nate: "Finnegan, keep the place in order till we get back, okay?"

Finnegan: "Will do."

Nate and Y/N then walk out the door into the tsunmai of a storm, thunder still roaring, and water up to their knees.

Y/N: "Nate. I havn' had a chance to ask you..."

Y/N took a deep breath as he was pratically screaming over the storm.

Y/N: "...what really happened in that bank?"

Nate: "We didn't bring you, that's what happened."

They strated walking, until Red came out with two horses: the same Thoroughbred and a gray Missouri Fox Trotter with a black mustache.

Red: "Need some horses?"

Nate: "Yes, now get inside and rest that leg."

Red: "I'm fine."

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