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"Hyung?" Seo Changbin said hesitantly after knocking on a studio door. He glanced down to the text message he head sent to his sunbaenim, asking to meet him for a few minutes. He needed some advice on a new song he was producing. 

After a moment, the door swung open to reveal Young K. "Changbin-ah! Come on in," he said, a smile in his eyes. 

Changbin smiled and bowed before walking past him into his studio. "Thank you."

The two sat comfortably together, talking about various songs they were both working on until Changbin brought up the song that had been stuck in his head the past few days--or rather, the sound. It wasn't anywhere near being a song: merely a few lyrics and some chord arrangements. All he knew was that there was something in it that he couldn't achieve on his own. 

"Brian Hyung..."

The musician grimaced jokingly at the use of his English name.

"I need some advice." Changbin leaned forward in his chair, collecting his thoughts. "I have a song I'm working on that I'm really excited about, even though I have no idea what it even is yet. There's just a sound I can't get out of my head... and it's bass."

A smile spread across Brian's face at the name of his favorite instrument. "I'm listening."

Changbin chuckled. "Honestly, I very rarely work with studio bassists, and I obviously don't play bass myself. I'd like to learn, but," he rubbed the back of his neck, "this sound I want... it's not anything I could achieve on my own. So I was just wondering if, as a bassist, if you knew any really good studio bassists that would be willing to work with me?" Changbin looked up from the ground which he had been making intimate eye contact with. He was somehow nervous to hear Brian's response.

"I might know someone," the bassist grinned. 

(A/N Hey guys! I've never written a fanfic before so I'm kinda nervous about getting the characters personalities and stuff wrong, especially since I don't actually know Young K very well. But from what I know, I love him, and I adore Day6's music soooo.... bear with me?  Someone PLEASE comment if there's a way I can portray Young K or any of the characters in this fanfic. Any mydays willing to help? XD)

Studio Love (Changbin X Some random chick I made up)Where stories live. Discover now