Chapter 8

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Friday morning rolled around and I still did not have a way out of family dinner. I was sitting in my studio, brainstorming excuses, while also waiting for Changbin to show up. He was on his way over to work on the song. After this session with him, we would do most of our work on the song separately.

I stared at the ceiling while twirling in my chair. Pulling out my phone, I hoped to distract my mind from thoughts of my parents. For some reason, my TikTok and Instagram feeds have been full of Stray Kids content recently. It was as if they knew I was working with Changbin now, and were deciding to throw all of his fan cams and fan edits my way. Not that I was super upset about it--it was slightly intriguing.

Today's FYP was no different. I scrolled through some Stray Kids fan cams before landing on a particular Changbin fan edit. In the video, he was talking to Stay through an old VLive. I watched with a smile as he told Stay that they were his wings, and he would be theirs. I tapped on the Stay's account to see more of her TikToks, and found that she was Changbin-biased with an account devoted to him. Her videos were full of clips of him doing random things: producing in the studio with 3Racha, performing on stage, and practicing on his own. But my favorite videos were of him interacting with the fans and his members. He seemed so happy and comfortable with all of them. I watched his face light up and listened to him giggle while doing aegyo for Stay. There was so much more to him than what he had shown me so far.

A knock on the door startled me, causing me to drop my phone on my desk. I looked over to see Changbin laughing at me through the window. Reluctantly, I waved him in. He was still smiling as he opened the door and walked in.

"Sorry, I didn't mean to startle you like that." I felt my face heat up when he laughed again, and reminded me of when he laughed with Stay in his videos. His eyes flickered to my phone screen lying open on the desk, paused on a video of him. I barely registered his look of confusion before quickly reaching for my phone and turning it off. I expected his face to be smug when I turned back to him but instead his cheeks were slightly pink, and he avoided my gaze.

"Uh, anyways, I'm surprised to see you here so early."

I nodded and turned to type on my computer. I got an early start this morning. Truth was that I didn't sleep a wink last night.

I subconsciously started scanning him, noticing his black cargo-joggers, which looked incredibly comfy, and a simple black t-shirt. I tried to ignore the way it hugged his shoulders and fixed my eyes on the two to-go cups in his hands. I prayed silently that they were coffee and one was for me. 

"Oh yeah, Americano," Changbin said and handed one cup to me and I tried my best not to let my excitement show too much. "And it sounds like you could really use it."

I quickly thanked him a few times before taking a long sip of the drink.

"Also I was thinking maybe we should take today's session back to my studio," Changbin rubbed the back of his neck. "The next step of this song is where we really start forming the body of the track and I have more of the instruments and computer equipment necessary for that in my studio."

I nodded and loaded the song onto a USB. When it was done I stuffed it into my hoodie pocket and stood.

Changbin smiled and opened the door for me. I stepped outside but immediately stopped when I saw who was walking down the hall towards my studio. They seemed to notice me at the same time.

"Eun Ae-ah!" my mom called, waving her hand.

I felt Changbin come to stand next to me and watch her and my dad walk closer to us.

"We haven't seen you in forever, how are you?" my mom said while hugging my tightly. I sucked in a breath and held it. She stepped back and held me at arms' length and seemed to survey my face with a fake smile while I just stared at her. Even though I had been anticipating this moment all week, I still didn't know how to react to them being here. After receiving no response from me, she turned to Changbin with an even faker smile. "Eun Ae-ah, aren't you going to introduce me to your friend?"

Studio Love (Changbin X Some random chick I made up)Where stories live. Discover now