Chapter 1

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(M/R) = Mother | Your mother's name
(F/R) = Father | Your father's name
(h/l) = Hair Length
(Y/N) = Your Name
(e/c) = Eye Color
(h/c) = Hair Color



"I'm sorry, Mrs. L/N. It's not possible."

A woman with (h/l) hair sat in shock, processing the doctor's words. When their words finally sank in, tears began trailing from the corners of her eyes and down her cheeks. Her hand went up to her face, covering her mouth as the tears began blurring her vision. Her husband was beside her, holding her hand. He pulled her closer and hugged her tightly in his arms, his heart breaking at hearing her sobs. He whispered sweet words to her in an attempt to ease her, even if just a little.

The doctor excused themselves to give them some privacy, closing the door behind them.

"I just-- I just wanted a child we could call our own...!" she sobbed, gripping her husband's jacket tightly in her hands.

"I know how much it hurts, dear..." he whispered, holding her close to his chest, "We'll get through this together... I'm here for you...all the way..."


The door to the L/N residence opened, catching the attention of an elderly couple, who were both sitting on cushions laid out around a table.

"Welcome back. How did it go?"

Mr. L/N hold onto his wife's hand, knowing how much she was hurting. But, Mrs. L/N looked over at her parents.

"We need to talk," she said rather quietly.

Her father motioned them over to sit down. Mr. L/N guided her over and they both sat down across from them.

"Well? What is it, (M/R)?" her father asked, waiting for his daughter to speak.


Mrs. L/N squeezed her husband's hand under the table before proceeding to talk. "I can't have children..."

Her mother's eyes widened. "(M/R)..."

Her father sighed. "What are you to do about producing an heir then?"

Mr. L/N grew angry at his father-in-law's comment. "Why is that the first thing you think about...?! She's hurting--"

"Silence!" the old man yelled, slamming his hand on the table before turning to his daughter, "(M/R), you're a woman. Your job is to provide an heir for the family! You're falling behind!"

(M/R)'s mom turned to her husband. "Dear, time's have changed--"

The old man stood up from the table. "I don't know how you're going to do it, but you are going to present an heir--"

"What do you want me to do, father?!" (M/R) yelled, having had enough, "I told you I can't have kids, yet you insist you want me to provide you an heir! Do you not care about me?! Or is the only reason you even had me because you wanted to pass on the family's cursed technique?!"

"You dare talk back--"

"I'm sorry that I can't give you what you want nor that I could be the perfect daughter for you!"

Just then, there was a knock. They all turned to see (M/R)'s brother. "What's going on?"

"Your failure of a sister has failed us once again!"

The man turned to look at his sister. "What happened, (M/R)?"

(M/R) stood up, alongside her husband. "Let's go..." she muttered to him, pulling him along.

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