Chapter 6

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The sound of faint muttering became clearer as Y/N slowly regained consciousness. He was blinded by the harsh light streaming in from the window. But gradually, he was able to open his eyes properly.

Where... am I?

He took in his surroundings, recognizing them to be the infirmary. The (h/c)-ette then caught a glimpse of a figure sitting in a chair. They were looking down at a clipboard, seemingly writing something down.

The more he regained the feeling of his body, the more he felt in pain. His entire body was tired and his arms ached and burned. He winced, catching the attention of the figure in the room.

"You're awake," they said.

Immediately, Y/N recognized the voice. It had been the same man who had 'helped' him earlier. Y/N made a move to get up but was stopped by the man.

"I suggest you rest a bit longer. I'm sure you must be tired."

[Note: (f/c) = favorite color]

Though he heard the man's words, his mind focused on the burning sensation around his arms. He lifted his arm up only to see four markings etched into his right forearm, glowing a bright (f/c) hue. His eyes widened at the sight and quickly checked his other arm to see another set of glowing markings.

In that instant, he sat up, alerting the man. Panic began to set in. "What--?! What is--?!"

"Hey!" the man said. "Calm down, it's alright--"

Other than the burning sensation, Y/N could sense the same negative energy that had radiated off of the twisted shadow-like figure. The events from earlier hit the (h/c)-ette like a train, his gaze moving back over to the man.

"What did you do?!"

"I can explain it to you if you just calm--"

Y/N's breathing gradually grew heavier, and his body began to shake. The panic was setting in more intensely this time. "Kid," he said, "I need you to take some deep breaths, alright?"

Hesitantly, the (h/c)-ette listened. He took a deep breath in. Then exhaled. Again, he inhaled, then exhaled. Gradually, his breathing returned to normal and he grew slightly calmer.

"That's it... It's okay."

Y/N kept his gaze down on his arms, watching the glowing (f/c) hue die out, leaving permanent etchings of the markings on his skin. "Why...?"

The man sighed and pulled the chair closer so he could sit down. "Do you know what that thing that chased you was?"

The (h/c)-haired boy shook his head. "It's a cursed spirit. It was formed out of the negative feelings you possess."

"So what?"

The man arched an eyebrow, confused. "Huh?"

Y/N lifted his head to meet the man's gaze. "You sealed it and then placed that same seal on me. Why?" he asked, his tone laced with growing anger.

"It was safer for you and everyone else if the curse is sealed within you. That's why I did it."

"So, I didn't get a say?"

"Kid, you can see all these different curses. You have high levels of cursed energy and you possess the ability to seal and confine those spirits within you. Had I not sealed it, you would've gone the rest of your life being tormented while it fed off of your energy--"

"I just wanted to be treated normally!" Y/N shouted, angered beyond belief. "How's that supposed to happen with all this?!"

"People like us," the man replied. "We're not normal. Since birth, we've been able to see cursed spirits roaming around. We were never meant to be a part of 'normal' society."

Y/N clenched his hands into fists, still feeling angered by the situation. "Who are you, anyway?"

"Endo Kage."


Y/N continued looking down at his forearms. Though the pain was mostly gone, it emotionally hurt him that the 'abnormal' parts of himself had begun to bleed through and stain his physical self. Even after Endo explained things, he couldn't help but hate himself and the man.

So, he sat outside the infirmary, awaiting his parents. In the hall, a few students had passed by him. Unfortunately, they didn't fail to notice the markings.

"His arms..." came the not-so-quiet whisper of one student.

He met their gaze with a harsh glare, causing them to mutter even more comments among themselves. Once they disappeared at a corner, he slumped back in his chair and tugged at his sleeves. Any sense of normalcy he had gained from his peers would soon disappear if it hadn't already.

A shadow cast itself over his eyes, feeling himself falling into a pit of despair and self-hatred.

"Since birth, we've been able to see cursed spirits roaming around."

"Because! I-- I see things that they can't..."

"You made another family leave? No surprise. Bet they didn't want to adopt a weirdo like you."

"We're not normal. We were never meant to be a part of 'normal' society."


He turned to the sound of the voice, glaring hard. But was shocked to see his parents. They looked at him, expressions of concern and worry on their faces. His gaze softened immediately.

"I'm sorry..." he muttered, averting his eyes from them.

His father shook his head and gently pat the (h/c)-haired boy's back. "Come on. Let's go home..."

Y/N got up from the chair and walked away from the infirmary. His mother placed her arm around her shoulders in a comforting manner. For a moment, Y/N felt at ease. There was warmth behind his parents' actions and right now, he appreciated that warmth.

If only for a moment, he reveled in the feeling of not being alone.


Once the front door was closed, his mother turned to Y/N. "I didn't want to ask earlier since you seemed upset, but... How are you feeling now? Are you alright?"

At that moment, Y/N felt hesitant to answer her question. Unconsciously, he tugged the sleeves of his uniform down. It was an act his mother quickly caught and she reached toward them. Y/N sensed her reaching for his sleeves and immediately pulled away.


Both his parents were surprised by the reaction from the (h/c)-ette but soon grew more concerned. "Y/N, please show me," his mother said.

Y/N simply shook his head and took a step back. "Please, sweetie... I just want to know that you're okay."

"I-I'm... okay," he replied.

Y/N himself didn't want to see the marks. He felt that if he showed them what littered his arms, they wouldn't look at him the same way anymore. What if... he was outcasted?

But his gaze drifted to meet his mother's. There was nothing but motherly love and worry swimming in her eyes. So, he took a deep breath and slowly lifted his sleeves, displaying the markings clearly for them to see.

His father's eyes widened and his mother gasped in shock. He took another step back, preparing himself for the worst. But, instead, he was met with a hug from his parents. It was an unexpected reaction, but they continued to hold him tightly.

"Thank you for showing me..." his mother said.

But there was something in her tone that Y/N didn't miss. It seemed almost regretful. As if she had been at fault for the markings on his arms. But she didn't say anymore. She simply held Y/N in her arms, softly stroking his hair.

"I'm sorry..."

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