Chapter 7

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The next day at school was hell. Y/N had just stepped through the front entrance and already people were whispering amongst themselves while glancing in his direction. "Did you hear about..."

"I can't believe it..."

As he walked down the corridor, they all backed away and kept their distance from him, no one daring to get close. "Psycho..." he heard some mutter.

Y/N kept his head down, though his body was beginning to shake with anger. His hands tugged at his sleeves, afraid of letting any of the markings show. He ignored their mutterings and simply kept on moving to his classroom.

But the situation there wasn't any better. There, in the back corner of the classroom, sat his desk with harsh scribbles made in permanent marker. The handwriting varied between words, making it obvious that it hadn't been a one-person job.

"Can't believe he still came to school after all that..."

"I know, right...?"

He dropped his bag on top of his desk, just staring down at the vandalized surface. It stunned him how horrible people could be. It wasn't the first time he had been shunned, but that didn't stop it from hurting. Nor did it stop him from feeling resentment, both toward himself and the people inside the school.

"After a show like that, I would have killed myself out of shame..." someone said, laughing about it afterward with their group of friends.

His eyes were glazed over, the anger in him rising gradually. His hands balled into fists, teeth clenching. Just then, he heard a faint demonic chuckle resounding in his mind.

"That's right... Let the anger boil and overflow."

That voice... It belonged to the curse that had been sealed within him by Endo Kage. Just hearing it infuriated him even more.

Shut the hell up!!

Again, the voice laughed."You sealed me up in the domain of your mind. No matter what you say or do, my presence is forever engraved within your consciousness."

"It'll be hard to wipe all that mess off..."

They continued to laugh amongst themselves, not caring that he was in the room. In their eyes, Y/N was nothing but a psycho. He would mumble incoherent things and argue to himself, as though he were talking to someone. Any little thing would set him off. And there was something else... As if he could see things that didn't exist.

They didn't understand... They didn't understand and yet they shunned him. What gave them the right to treat him as less than human just because he wasn't like everyone else?

"Take your seats, everyone," the homeroom teacher said as they walked in.

While everyone else complied, Y/N was the only one left standing. "L/N, please take your seat."

Still, Y/N didn't move. The teacher arched an eyebrow. "L/N."

When there was no response, they sighed and walked over to him. Immediately, their eyes landed on the scribbled desk. A look of shock went over their face. They turned to the class with a stern gaze.

"Who wrote all this?" they demanded, wanting to know who the culprit was.

But the class remained silent. Not a single peep from any of them. The teacher then took a textbook from a student's desk and slammed it down hard, making all of them flinch at the loud noise. 

"I asked, who wrote all this?! Speak up! Now!"

Still, no one opened their mouth. The teacher turned to Y/N. "L/N, please go wait outside."

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