Chapter 2

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(f/c) = favorite color


The three approached the quaint little home surrounded by greenery and bright colors coming from various flowers. The little boy with (h/c) hair walked down the path leading to the entrance. (M/R) and (F/R) watched with smiles on their faces as he reached the door.

(F/R) unlocked the front door, allowing his wife and Y/N to enter first. The boy's eyes sparkled with curiosity, his gaze moving everywhere around the house. There was a door leading to a patio, a small stone path leading to a little pond with flowers surrounding it. 

On the table was a centerpiece, a bright red flower, that stood out amongst the dark brown tones. Four cushions sat on each side. The living room had a fairly small sofa facing a decent-sized TV.

"Come on. Let's go see your room," (F/R) said, walking toward a small hallway.

Both followed close behind, stopping in front of a door. When it was opened, the sight made the boy's eyes widen. A cushioned and cozy-looking bed sat in the corner of the room, fluffy (f/c) pillows laid out on it. 

Beside the bed, on the nightstand, was a small lamp and a stuffed teddy bear. In the opposite corner, there was a soft-looking carpet laid out next to a box. Across the room, there was a closet. It was empty at the moment, but would later be filled with tons of stuff.

"Do you like it?" (M/R) asked with a kind look in her eyes.

Y/N couldn't hide his little smile, his cheeks tainted a light pink. He nodded. "It's nice..."

(F/R) quietly let out a sigh of relief, having been worried that the boy wouldn't be too fond of the room. "We're glad you like it. It's yours now, alright?"

"Okay," the boy answered, his expression adorable.

(M/R) looked away, tears forming at the corners of her eyes, clutching her hand into a fist. Both Y/N and her husband looked at her in confusion. "Dear, are you okay?"

"I'm sorry..." She muttered. "He's just too cute...!"


Y/N looked up at the blank ceiling, seemingly lost in thought. Two weeks had already passed since the couple took him in. Yet, he still couldn't believe he was no longer at the orphanage. 

He had gotten so used to seeing the same ceiling, the one with a couple of spiderwebs here and there and stains, that it seemed weird to him that the ceiling in his new room was clean and completely bare.

He slowly sat up on the bed and looked around his room. The big box in the corner, previously empty, was now filled with toys. The closet across his room, also previously empty, was now filled with various clothes and shoes. 

The thought that it was all his made him feel weird. Just then, there was a knock at the door. (F/R) peeked his head in through the crack in the door.

"There you are. I thought maybe you were out in the back. Hungry?"

Y/N nodded and followed (F/R) out and toward the table. (M/R) had finished setting the table and motioned him to sit down. He did as told and looked over all the food that had been set out, feeling his stomach growl. 

Once he took his first bite, his eyes sparkled. He immediately began eating without hesitation. (F/R) felt his heart swell up with pride, glad that the boy seemed to enjoy his cooking.

After they finished eating, Y/N helped clear the table, gathering as many dishes as he could. As he handed the last of the plates to (M/R), the sound of the doorbell ringing filled the house. 

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