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-"Earth!!! Dear earth I missed you!!!" -Nayeon ran out of the plane almost jumping out of it when it landed on earth. 18hours inside a small space with six threathning being is not something easy. They almost got to see the grim reaper four time inside of it.

A real pain in the ass.

Immediately the others all came out as delighted as Nayeon to have finally come out of this unbearable hell. Jennie took a deep breath and looked behind her to see if Lisa and the others were okay. And yes, they couldn't get any better. Jennie shook her head and joined her friends and Aunt Jeanne who was still so oblivious to the whole situation. Or it is more like she didn't hear anything because all she did was sleeping and listenning to her 1 hour meditation songs.

The way out of the airport was not too loud, but neither too quiet. They were calm and especially tired from the long flight. The only ones who found the strength to speak again were Rosé, Yeri and Tzuyu.

Once at the exit, Chaeyoung took her phone from her pocket and dialed a number before waiting for the other end to pick up. Once the person picked up, she moved away from the group to talk to the person.

Jennie who was admiring the surroundings smiled for the first time since they arrived here. It was bright outside and the air was cool, a fine breeze blowing her long brown hair. Her gaze stopped on the characteres she created and saw that they were also admiring the whole landscape with curiosity and wonder. Switzerland was really a beautiful country, it had the gift of giving inner peace to those who passed there because of the peaceful air.

-"Can I ask you a question?"

Lisa's voice cut Jennie from her thoughts but didn't look at Lisa in the eye. She only nodded as the younger one asked her question.

- "Why does evil exist?"

This time Jennie decided to look at her and Lisa had a calm but mostly pensive face. Why this sort of question? Was it the peaceful weather that made her want to wonder about life? Or was it something else?

-"Why this question?"

- "I don't know. Just a question that went through my head!" -Lisa said in a calm but distant voice. Jennie looked at her for a brief moment before looking away.

- "For me, evil exists because ...."
The words shut in her mouth. Uh? Why didn't she have an answer to that? Why does evil exist? Why did it have to exist?

Lisa waited patiently for her answer but nothing came out of Jennie's mouth. She thought she knew the answer to this question but she just noticed that she did not always know everything visibly.

- "Well my cousin said she was at church and she still had to talk with the priest. She asked us if we could join her there then she will lead us to her condonium later" -Chaeyoung announced.

- "I don't see a problem. Do you all agree?" -Irene asked and everyone nodded. - "And you Lisa?"

- "Do whatever you want as long as it concerns our project!" -Lisa said calmly then Irene nodded to Chaeyoung who decided to send a message to her cousin.

- "I'm going to call a means of transport. My parents have a restaurant here in Switzerland so I asked them if I could borrow one of the vans and luckily they accepted!" -Rosé said and Tzuyu sighed with pleasure.

- "Fortunately! I didn't feel ready to carry this luggage!"

- "When should they arrive?" -Jennie asked and Rose checked the time on her watch.

- "about 20 minutes" - Rose said and Jennie growled.

- "We still have time to eat something. Aren't you hungry?" -Irene asked and received an immediate response from Yeri, Jisoo, Rosé and Sana.

The Empress: Travel to another world (TWICEPINKVELVET)Where stories live. Discover now