(Second Arc)chapter XI:Joy's Past

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-"So what do you think of our new home?"  - Joy asked, opening the door wide for her parents.

It was early morning and Joy and her family had just moved to Noble Town.  They were assigned a property not far from the castle where all the resident knights and their families lived.

But Joy had been given the most beautiful and sumptuous of homes.  Given her rare and legendary power, people of royalty wanted to have her in their camp in order to be able to take advantage of it.

-"My King. The Family of the possessor of the power of Poseidon has finally arrived in the noble district!"  -An informant knelt before a tall man seated on his throne.

-"Very well. Tell Roger to keep an eye on them. We must at all costs put Poseidon on our side. She could be an invincible weapon for our kingdom" -He ordered.

The informant nodded and ran off to give orders to the person designated to watch the family.

The king had an evil smile all of a sudden then started to laugh in a very naughty way...

- "I want this power in the palm of my hand... The power to control the seas is a power that can destroy the world if the user is well trained" - The King laughed then stared into space with a sinister smile.


-"So she's Poseidon?"

- "Yes sir. She has been assigned to become the new division chief of the 10th division"

- "However, she has no experience yet. What can the King expect from her?"

- "I cannot answer you Sir Roger"

Roger sighed in exasperation and continued to spy on Joy and her family from Far with two other people with him.  A user of a gift for clairvoyance and his right-hand man to whom he had just spoken.

Roger is the captain of the Kingdom's first division.  He is the one who has the most merit among all the knights because he has already brought honor to his kingdom several times.  He is the strongest in his country and the King has complete trust in him.

He is better known as Roger Smith, the strongest mage knight.

He had already defeated many mages before from all different countries.  His one and only rival of that time was the hero of Gascar, the country of the center (Reminder: Gascar is the country where Lisa and Jisoo come from and the hero is the current father of Jisoo)

And now he is responsible for watching over her day and night.

-"Now let's see what this person is worth"


Joy woke up early that day.  She was happy more than ever.  She had everything she needed and everything her parents wanted.  They lacked nothing, Joy's monthly income was worth more than three bags of gold.  Even one was enough for them for a month, they were so used to living in misery.

But today she was still a little nervous.

-"Hello my sun"

- "Hello Mother!"  - Joy greeted her mother who took her in her arms.  Milius was sitting on a sofa near the window, a cup of tea in his hand... He had always dreamed of this life.  - "Hello father"

-"Ah my child!! You have an audience with the King today before your first day, right?"  - Milius asked, getting up from his seat.  Joy nodded, that's why she was nervous.  The King himself wanted to see her but she had no idea what to expect.

Milius patted her on the shoulder.

-"Do your best there my child! And above all..." - Milius approached her and whispered in her ear.  - "Show them how strong you are, crush them"

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