◌•.𝑏𝑒𝑐𝑎𝑢𝑠𝑒 𝑜𝑓 𝑦𝑜𝑢.•◌

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pet names
dry humping ♪
praise ♥︎
defo vanilla ☁︎

the majority of this is the nsfw... yuh.
༄ {3rd pov} ༄

Both George and Dream were huddled together on their shared couch, the smaller in the blonde's lap as he layed to face him. They hadn't cuddled in what felt like forever, resulting in George automatically becoming clingy and staying by his side. A daily thing for him.

Dream kissed the top of the brunette's head, hearing a little giggle come from the boy as he tickled his sides softly. It always made Dream happy when he heard that specific giggle, the one only he would normally hear.

"S-Stop it! That- tickles!"
George let out a huff as he pushed away from the man's neck where he layed his head, gaining eye contact. a hand retracted away from his side, making its way to his face.

Dream let out a soft smile, rubbing the cheek of the older man. God, he was crazy over him. Both of his best friends, Sapnap and Badboyhalo, would always make fun of him being so soft with George. It had always been an important thing in their relationship, though. Especially with their sex lives.

They would never do anything too kinky, nor rough. It was against both of them, as they always asked for consent and were soft with their movements on the other. Constantly making sure it was okay to keep going or making up code words.

"I love you, baby."

George jumped out of Dream's lap, excitedly dancing around on the carpeted floors. The sentence he used to be so nervous about or to say now had made butterflies erupt into his stomach each time it was heard.

"Alright, alright. Come here you idiot"
Dream stood up from his spot on the couch, grabbing one of the boy's hands. They fell back onto the couch, George straddling the younger as the two males looked at one another with smiles on their faces.

"Say it back"
Dream faked a sad expression onto his face, looking up at George to try and make him feel bad. They always joked around about not saying it back when the other didn't hear, or was too busy to. In this case, Dream had only been teasing the smaller boy.

George looked away from the man under him, rolling his eyes playfully. Their cute little fights throughout the days always made their bond grow more and more strong. Never once have they had an actual fight resulting to yelling and/or threatening. In fact, it is a pretty healthy relationship they have.

"I love you too, idiot."
The two exchanged giggles, George began talking about how him and Karl were supposed to stream tonight on the SMP and finish building up his Library in Kinoko Kingdom.

"We picked our flag out a few days ago! now all we need are more citizens and to build it into a big city!"
Dream watched as the boy above him ranted about the team's new ideas, with holding a smile as one of his hands pushing its way up to hold George's chin. Silence filled the air and the brunette looked down into Dream's Beautiful green eyes. They'd always fought over who had the prettiest eyes.

Dream glanced to George's lips before pulling him into a gentle kiss. Within it showed passion and the love he had for the male. No matter what he could do, he would and could never get enough of kissing the male.

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