◌•.𝑖𝑚𝑚𝑎 𝑑𝑜𝑔 𝑡𝑜𝑜.•◌

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slight dreamnap

cheating dream
(dnf is not a thing in this story ☺︎)

choking (minor)
vanilla bby

yes, this is named after imma dog too by toni romiti, go listen to it or play it while reading the chapter! :).

i'm rewriting my old stories, and this is one i changed around a lot- and this is also a one shot i have in my other book, with less sexual parts ofcourse.

(3rd pov)

"I'm sorry..!.. okay?! I- I don't know what got into me- i-.."
Sapnap scoffed at the other's words, his eyes rolling as he shook his head. After a year of dating, he had just now discovered that Dream had been cheating on him for a little over a month now. In fact, he walked in on it.

Sapnap's arm pointed towards the girl, the guilty expression on her face making him only want to throw Dream to the ground once more.

Originally when he walked in, he pushed the girl off of the couch and threw Dream into the floor, cursing at them. It was their anniversary the day after, so obviously that reasoning only growing the fury in Nick's heart more. His head was spinning, tears washing all down his face and his body aching from all of the shopping he had done for Dream that day. No wonder there was so much on the list for him to get.

"Nick, please! I barely even get to see you, and i live here! I was just-"

"Off your fucking rockers? Do you need some sense taught to you and that tiny little brain of yours? You barely get to see me because i'm working FOR YOU. IM WORKING MY ASS OFF TO BUY YOU THE THINGS YOU CANT GET WITH YOUR OWN GOD DAMN MONEY. God! You're so clueless aren't you!"
Dream began stuttering, tears flowing down his own face as he watched Sapnap pull out a black velvet box, lifting his hand and placing it in it.

"There you go, Jackass. Happy one year."
Nick stormed out of the room, the tears from before had already dried, but began flooding in again. He heard Dream curse the woman and he quickly ran back into the living room, grabbing her hand. The raven looked Dream in the eyes, hugging the girl who seemed to be crying herself. She had been apologizing, telling Sapnap how she didn't know Dream was already taken and promised they hadn't done more than just the kissing.

"That's fine. Now you go, just please be more careful with who you do this with."
Nick crossed his arms, disappointment in his eyes, noticing Dream playing with the box before hesitantly opening it. A shiny golden band sat in the middle of the cotton inside, lettering on it having their initials and a note inside.

"I- Nick-.."
Dream grabbed the note, reading out what it said. Sapnap planned to propose to the other, the note explaining all of the things Sapnap loved about Dream and how he was ready to spend his future with him.

"You're a dog Clay. A no good, lying, cheating dog."
Sapnap took a deep breath, sniffling before wiping his tears. His frown turned into a cold smile, him grabbing his jacket and slipping his tennis shoes on. The last thing he wanted to see was Dream at the moment, so he wanted to leave as soon as he possibly could.

"No- You know what? I can play this game too. If you want to go out and fuck random girls, so be it. You'll get what you fucking deserve."
Dream grabbed one of his arms, trying to pull Sapnap into a kiss but quickly being pushed away. The blonde felt the other smack him, the roughness of it making his head throw to the side. One of his hands met with where the impact hit, Nick opening the front door of which they stood at and walking out, shutting it in his face.

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