◌•.𝑏𝑒 𝑎 𝑔𝑜𝑜𝑑 𝑏𝑜𝑦.•◌

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i wanted to make one of all three of them- and ngl- i may do more-

dom riding sub
orgasm control

{3rd pov}

Karl let out a huff as he felt one of his doms slide onto his erection, slowly moving to rest on his lap. This was definitely new to them, but a way Quackity and Sapnap could teach the brunette a lesson for being such a brat earlier. Undecided if whether or not to show the boy mercy.

"Ale- hmm.."
As Karl tried to slur out the shortest's name, he felt the man move against his lap, sending a euphoric pleasure throughout his body, letting a small whine escape his lips. Sapnap had one of his hands up the boys shirt, feeling around his stomach as he bit around his neck teasingly.

Quackity's hands were holding his above his head, all three males sat at the headboard of their king-sized bed. With the situation they were in, Karl couldn't touch nor try and grind up against Quackity, and wasnt aloud to play with Sapnap's hair. They told him beforehand that if he did they would stop everything and forget about it.

"I'm just trying to get comfortable, love."
Although this was halfway true, quackity had been purposely repositioning himself to push against the slightly older man's lap.

Sapnap pushed one of his hands to Karl's throat, tightening it every few neck kisses, causing the male's head to fall backwards against the headboard. Quackity did it again, picking himself up slightly, Karl's cock pulling out about an inch before he sat back down, grinding his hips forward once. He let out a groan directly into the bottom's ear, him and sapnap both whispering degrading words as they made sure Karl knew who was in charge.

"Good boy.. such a slut.."
Sapnap pushed one of his hands to rest on Quackity's ass, pushing him to grind down onto the bottoms lap once more, this time harder as he tested a theory he had in mind. Both Quackity's and Karl's mouths slightly opened as euphoria hit them once more. Sapnap's hold on Karl's throat tightening once more as he went back to kissing and biting him.

"Nick- Alex- Please- Just- Please.."
Both Sapnap and Quackity planned on being soft with the riding, along with placing small and gentle kisses along Karl's Neck and chest as one rode him calmly. However, the one thing stopping them by doing that had been the way Karl acted before this went into play, him being bratty and raising his voice at the both of them.

Quackity's right hand transferred one of the boys arms to the other, him holding both in his left as the other gripped Karl's chin, angling it up to come to contact with his daring glare. Right then was when the sub realized, whining when Sapnap turned his head to face him harshly. His cheeks being pushed together by the grip.

"What have we told you about being bratty, hm?"
Quackity's hips began moving, painfully pressing down onto Karl's lap as they both shared mixtures of grunts and groans, the feeling unlike no other Karl had ever felt with this being the first time someone had ever rode him.

"You know better, fuuuuck... then to raise your voice- Karl."
Sapnap's hand transferred back down, tightening around the whimpering brunette, their gazes meeting and Karl was quick to let out a series of apologies and whines from the speed the riding had been.

Sapnap threw his hands to his own pants, unbuckling his belt and quickly throwing it to the ground before unbuttoning and pulling his own pants down. His boxers being the next thing discarded as one of Karl's hands were pushed out of Quackity's grip and onto Sapnap's erection.

"Shut up and take it, you wanted this, so it's what- shit- you're gonna get."
Quackity felt Karl's cock ride up against his prostate, leaving chills of numbing and erotic feeling waves running throughout his body. Light whimpers coming out of him as his head was pushed into Karl's neck.

"Nnnn... G-Guys- i'm- i'm close- Please.."
The pleasure was most definitely fulfilling to each of the men, as they were growing more and more warmer to their highs.

"Don't you dare until we tell you to, got it?"
Quackity's hips were stopped, Sapnap's hand gripping his right thigh as the man's other hand went to grab Karl's cheeks, gripping them as they squished together once more. This made Karl huff, his breathing heavy and raspy from the new feeling of his dom riding him.

The older boy whined again as Quackity began at a fast pace, picking up his speed he last left to grow himself closer to reaching his peak. Most definitely chasing after his own, Karl let out a moan indicating he was about to release. This ofcourse caught Sapnap's eye, the hand retracting back to the other's throat.

"You're doing so well, just a little longer, baby. Wait for us."
Quackity's hips slowly slid up and shortly back down, grinding against the man's lap with every downward motion, his high catching up to him as he felt the strings of sensation fall onto both his chest and the other's.

"Youve been a good boy and held out for me, go ahead. Fill Alex, just as i do you."
Sapnap's pushed his hands away from the, wrapping one around the boy's hand on his erection, making it go faster and faster as he chased after his own peak. Quackity pulled away from Karl's neck, feeling him be pulled m back down roughly into the male's lap, digging his nails into his hips. Karl releasing into him as he watched the man get pushed over so his head was in sapnap's lap.

Karl was quick to push Sapnap in his mouth, not wanting to piss either of them off anymore than they already were. Quackity was cockwarming him and he himself seemed to be doing the same to Sapnap. Karl's head was pulled all the way to Sapnap's stomach, his nose touching against it as he deepthroated the male.

"Nn- Good boy.. Very good, Karl.."
The youngest whined, him letting his seed release down Karl's throat. Their breaths finally catching as Quackity pushed off of Karl's lap, and Sapnap let go of his head. Karl quickly began coughing and gagging from Sapnap's movements as he watched Quackity fall into the bed beside him.

That's one lesson he'd never forget. Well, one reason to upset the boys once more, just to redo this process again.

𝚒𝚍𝚔 𝚊𝚋𝚘𝚞𝚝 𝚝𝚑𝚒𝚜 𝚘𝚗𝚎-

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