♀︎•.𝒉𝒊𝒈𝒉 𝑠𝑢𝑛𝒔𝒆𝒙.•♀︎

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this is a oneshot where dream karl and sapnap get high ✌︎

i just randomly had a day dream of this, so now i'm procrastinating and writing it. have fun <3.

marijane usage
high talk
shotgunning smoke

heyo chubby karl <3
degrading <3
little bits of praise
shitty aftercare because they out in the middle of no where <3

also this is kinda a part of a requested one shot, one with chubby // self conscious karl :)

(3rd pov)

"Where the honk did i put my monster?-"
The brunette glanced around the backseats of the car, looking past both of the males that were sat in the two sets of seats. Dream layed himself out fully in the very back row, sapnap having to hold Dream's legs on his own and Karl driving them around. It was pretty often that the trio would get together and just take random roadtrips for fun. (haha funny)

"Did you leave it at the house?"
Sapnap glanced around to the very back of the car. There was little to no space there, but just enough to fit quite a few things, including their bong and cooler.

"I don't think so. Dream can you check inside of the cooler? You could probably reach it better than stubby arms over here."
Karl gave a quick smile to Sapnap through the rear view mirror, knowing that Sapnap hated when people called him stubby or short.

"Hey! I'm average size, you're just too tall, Karl."

"All right children, shut the hell up so we can get off the road quicker."


A few moments later they arrived at an abandoned parking lot, surrounded by flowers so beautiful you would think someone would be coming back daily to keep care of them. And oddly enough, no one ever came to the area. In fact, not even through or near it.

"And we are here, ladies and gentlemen."
Karl parked towards the end of the parking lot, where all of the flowers laid perfectly distanced away from one another. Stepping out of the car, he quickly walked over to the flowers, laying down beside a bouquet of beautiful yellow Black-eyed Susans.

"I'm gonna take a picture hold on!"
Karl grabbed his phone from his back pocket, hurrying to press the camera icon before scooting to where some of the Susan's laid against his face, snapping a photo.

"Hey, dork. We have everything set out. you comin' or what?"
Dream called out to Karl, whom quickly sat up from his spot and ran over excitedly to the other men. As much as either Sapnap nor Dream hate to admit it, Karl was quite adorable. Especially his personality and attitude towards other people. That akward yet comfortable silence they always felt mutual with, and that giddy, excruciating boy they both knew all too well.

"All right, we have the bong and the drinks. The blanket is setup over there in the middle of the other flower bed as requested."
Sapnap pointed to where a bright blue and white plaid cloth laid within the rows of flowers, all ranging from neon-looking to pastel-like colors.

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