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It been 6 weeks and things have been weird.
It was the same as they were in the beginning but just...different
I just obeyed...did what he wanted me to, wore what he wanted me to, ate what he wanted me to, slept when and where he wanted me to sleep..

I just felt, off...not empty anymore...just different

I looked down at myself, it's like he will never run out of things to dress me in...I'm really just a doll...
I was washing my dishes when he finally came home from work, it was Friday so he came home late. I never really wondered until now, he has to have a pretty good job to pay for this house...I wonder what he does...

Five walked up behind me and unbuttoned some of his buttons on his shirt "hey babydoll" he kissed my neck

I turned around to face him "hey, how was work?" I asked...

I was really trying to learn to like my situation and in order to do that I had to learn to like him...It was hard but not that hard..I loved him once, I could do it again..I think

He wrapped his arms around my waist "It was fine and how was your day?"

"Uneventful but fine" I see he left a bag on by the door, it had no label "what is that?"

He looks back "I uh...I got some things for you to try on for me..it's a little different than what I usually bring home"

"O-okay" I nod

He tilts my chin up and pecks me on the lips, I feel a tiny spark...it's the most that happens these days...the only exciting thing "I'll be on the couch" he walks off

I go to pick up the bag and go upstairs, this happened every Friday like clockwork..he would bring me home clothes that he wanted to see on me...he would choose what he liked and I would choose what I liked and he would bring back whatever didn't make it...it was the little freedom I had and I cherished it dearly.

I went into my room and dug through the bag and my face burned red, holy shit...what is this?!

I tried on the first outfit and I swear I have never been more embarrassed

I tried on the first outfit and I swear I have never been more embarrassed

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I look at the mirror and look at myself I-...I-I can't go down in this....this is so-...oh god

I walk downstairs and peek around the corner, Five smiles "Everyhing okay?"

I nod

"Good..come out so I can see you"

I take a deep breath and walk out, he smiles wide and readjust his sitting position and pats his lap "Come here"

I walk up to him and he pulls me into his lap which takes me by surprise, he looks me up and down and leans in "you know...I didn't put the whole outfit in the bag doll" he growled in my ear

Five put my hands in front of me and handcuffs me with pink handcuffs, what?
He chuckles darkly and flips us over so he's on top and my hands are pinned above my head "w-what are you doing"

He shakes his head "you expect me to be able to control myself when you look so...intoxicating" he kisses my neck and his hand travel down my body and my legs rub together

Five's hand moves to my flower and rubs over the satin panties "Jesus I haven't touched you like this in so long...did you miss this as much as I did?"

I just bite my lip and try to keep my legs together

"Come on babydoll, let your body be honest with me" he slipped his hand into my panties and rubbed my clit which makes me whine and my legs relax

"Fuuck baby you're so wet.." he groaned and inched his fingers towards my entrance and circled it

I try to free my hands but he holds them down "behave..", Five slips his fingers in and pumps them slowly and I moan louder

"If there is something you want babydoll...you know how to ask"

I struggle to get out the words "P-please...P-please move faster..please~"

He smirks "your wish is my command" he all the sudden starts to move his fingers fast and that almost drives me over the edge
"I-im close~" I whine

"Don't cum unless I tell you that you can" he puts his hand on my neck and squeezes a little "and I will be able to tell when you do"

He pulls me onto his lap so I straddle him backwards and he pulls out his throbbing cock and pulls down my panties and rubbed himself against my bare flower "where do you want it?...or I'll choose for you"

I shake my head embarrassed

"Alright then...I'll surprise you then" he hooks his arms under my knees and pulls them up then skips into my ass slowly

"FUck" I scream out and throw my head back, it hurts a little but in the good way~
He almost immediately start to jackhammer into my ass and I moan uncontrollably

"Shiit your so tight" he says strained and pants

After a couple moments later I am reaching my absolute limit"I can't I can't hold out anymore!"

"M-me neither, you can cum baby" he groans out

My body tenses as I cum hard and he cums with me inside.
We lay there panting and he pets me head "good girl~, now go put on the next one"

I look back "w-why?" I get up

"Because...I'm not through with you" he pecks me and slaps my ass as I leave
This is gonna be a long night..

3 outfits later I am laying on my stomach with my whole body aching
Five pets my head "Well that was fun, you need help? Getting-"

I sit up like nothing is wrong no matter how bad it hurts "you're satisfied? Good...I'm going to bed" I stand up but he grabs my arm which causes me to tense up and look back at him

"You're tired already?"

"Yeah I'm worn out, c-can you please let me go?"

"Why do you look like that?" His grip tightened

"Like what?" I gulped

"Afraid of me? Why do you look like that"

"Five let me go..." I struggle

"No just talk to me"

I yank my arm away from Five and run upstairs to my room and block it with a chair, he had chased me and was now banging on the door

"Alex open the damn door please" he said in an unsettling calm voice, like he was trying to keep it together but was right on the brink

"Five calm down..I just want to sleep alone..Just tonight please"

He sounds like he is crying "please open the door..."

I feel guilty so I unblock the door and open it "Five?..are you oka-"

A hand shoots through the door and grabs my throat, he comes in and pins me on a wall "Now that I have your attention, Im going to say this...when I tell you to stay you stay, when I tell you we need to talk we'll talk...I'll grant you this one night alone with this kind of behavior but next time...I'm not going to be so nice" when he said the last part he traced his finger along my scar on my cheek then let me go
When he walks out I slide down the wall and cry very hard.

How did I get here...He has dead bodies in the basement...he tortures me and yet...

I think I still am my own person...
No I'm not, not anymore...
I'm a hollow shell to him...I'm a blank canvas and my only job is to be perfect

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