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Alex POV:

We followed ginny up the long staircase and down the hallway, wow I have never seen something so extravagant in real life. You only see homes like this in movies, I started to forget that people so wealthy exist.

Ginny sighs "I'm looking forward to getting to know you Alex, you seem nice.."

"Thank you, you seem nice too" I smile nervously, I don't know what to say with the huge elephant in the room

Ginny stops at a door "here it is" I walk inside and Five tries to quickly walk past ginny but she grabs his arm "listen Ben..they were great parents to the rest of us..I know dad treated you much different..worse. But I want to remind you that I'm not the one you're mad at. You can come to me, I won't force you to forgive him. No matter what I feel, for the sake of my feelings for you both I'm staying neutral"

Benjamin nods and puts a hand on her shoulder "I respect that, I'll keep that in mind thanks"

Ginny let's him go and they part ways. Ben closes the door and runs his fingers through his hair.

I sit down on the bed "Five...I don't know what to do..We're stuck here, I don't want my children to have this life!" I hold my head

He walks over to me and tilts my face up and kisses my head "listen, We're gonna get out of here...I will not make my children suffer the horrors that come with this life.."

I pull away from him and glare "You better...I love you...I will not accept failure...I refuse to raise my children to become criminals" I stand up again "I'm going on a walk do not follow me I want to be alone..."

"But it's dangerous" he tries to convince

"I doubt that since I am carrying your heir " I walk out the door and waddle down the hallway, I have had the worst back problems since getting pregnant with these three because it's so heavy.

As I explored the top floor I heard what's sounded like a child singing, I followed it out of curiosity and I happened upon a room that was kinda tucked away at the end of a hall.

The door was cracked and I pushed it open to see a nursery esque bedroom filled with toys and frilly lace.
In the window sat a little girl who couldn't be older than 5 with darkest brown hair facing away whilst humming a tune.

"Excuse me?" I said softly

She turned to face me and when I saw her I was entranced..she had Beau golden skin like five but she had vitiligo on one eye and a scar signifying she had a cleft lip as an infant.

She gulped down her spit and cleared her throat "Hello, alex"

"How did you know my name?" I tilted my head

"I was expecting you and you're someone I have not met" she curled up in a ball uncomfortably "I'm Quinn"

"It's nice to meet you" I look at a rocking chair "may I sit?"

She nods "sure.."

I sit in the rocking chair and look around her room "so-"

"I'm happy you're going to have a baby.." Quinn blurts out as she rummaged to find a new toy

I am taken back by her statement "really? Why is that"

"I'm the only kid around here most of the time besides when my tt and uncles come with my cousins but that's only a little" she looks a little sad

"Well I don't know if three little babies will keep good company" I say wearily

"When they are old enough to play with me they will" she rolls a toy car on the floor "are they a boy or girl?"

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