Valentines Day (Sorta angsty)

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y/n pov, 11 pm, dabis room

i looked at the clock. 11 pm. he said he would be home by ten.. where is he..

i texted him.

hey.. dabi are you ok..

11:30 pm. nothing
11:45 pm. still nothing
midnight. i heard a ding and i grabed my phone so fast i almost droped it.

[whaever you have dabi named]
i might not be home tonight, sorry..

i sat there. starring at that message for like five minuets. was he serious-! this is the fifth time this week..

i feek my eyes start to get watery, as tears roll down my face.

third person pov. 12:30 am.

tears started to roll down your face, and as more came down, you didnt hear keys unlocking the door to the small apartment you and dabi had shared. little did you know this whole time he was planing to suprise you with something.

dabi pov. 12:45 am.

i unlocked the door to me and y/n's appartment. god i was so exited too. i feel really bad about lying and saying i probably wasnt gonna be home, considering i havent been home at night for the past week.. in reality, i was just trying to find the perfecr ring.. yes, i was planing on proposing to y/n.. i wanted to be with them for the rest of my life..

as i walked into the appartment, i heard small wimpers comming from our room.. it sounded like crying..

'is y/n alright-!?' i couldnt help but think to myself.

i started to speed walk as i made my way over to the room where i heard the crying from, and sure enough, as i got closer, the crying sounds got louder.

i whip open the door to the room and see y/n curled up in a ball on the bed, crying into their knees.

"Y/n-! whats wrong- are you ok-? what happend-?" i said with a paniced voice as i rushed over to them.

they looked up as i sat down embracing them into a hug.

"I-I thought you w-wernt gonna be home t-tonight.." they stuttered out.

"ok.. that message may have been a bit of a lie.. i wanted to surprise you.. sorry.." i said.

you looked up at me "s-suprise me..?" you said in a hushed raspy voice.

"uh.. yeah.. all those nights i spent out.. i was looking for the perfect ring.."


"uh- yeah.." i shoved my hand into my pocket and pulled out a box and handed it to you.

"y-y/n.. will you.. m-marry me-" i manged to get that out, my face flushing red as more tears rolled down your face.

"o-of corse i will.." you smiled, and brought your head up to mine and kissed me.

"heh.. im not gonna ask why you were crying, thats a conversation for tommrow.." i said, you chuckled a bit, before pulling me into another kiss.

"now, go change, i want lots of cuddles c:<" you said, pointing at the closet.

third person pov

after dabi had changed, he layed down next to you, and you clung onto him, falling asleep almost immediately. he fell asleep shortly after.

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