Chapter 6 - Decision

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THANK YOU GUYS SO MUCH FOR 1K READS (even though it's 1.3k now)!!!!!!!!!! I REALLY APPRECIATE YOU GUYS!!!!!!!!!! ANYWAYYYYY.... on with the story!

[Recap] "Alright. ONWARDS!" Erwin boomed once again before urging his horse to gallop at a steady pace for his soldiers to follow. The regiment temporarily pushed aside their negative emotions and put on a brave face to carry out their duty.

              The hoofs of numerous horses echoed throughout the area as a large group travelled at a steady pace; not too slow, not too fast. The scouting regiment didn't know exactly what they were looking for, but they believed they would know when they found it. It was agreed upon that the best course of action, at the moment, would be to travel in the same direction they saw the smoke rising from earlier. It was a clear indication that a titan had been killed, therefore the potential existence of an individual or party. They had been searching the large forest for a while before a loud voice sounded.

"This is so exciting" Hange shouted. By the bizarre display, anyone could distinguish, if not from her words, that the wei- unique captain was excited. Letting go of her horses' reins to wave her hands around wildly, she temporarily lost ran off track. Behind her, her fellow comrades were still questioning how she was so high in rank. She quickly regained control before continuing. "Do you think we'll find a super weird discovery?"

"We already have a weird discovery" Levi responded in a bored tone. Unlike Hange, his grip on his horses' reins was firm; but not enough to hurt it. It was impressive that he was able to keep his composure despite his current emotions.

"Really!? I don't remember a finding a weird discovery lately. What is it" Hange questioned frantically; eyes wide and an open mouth with drool seeping out. She was leaning towards Levi waiting for an answer. Levi steered away from her while scowling before responding "yeah, it's you."

Silence overtook the area with the sounds of hoofs against the ground for mere seconds. 'Hmm... no comeback huh?' he pondered. 'Did I perhaps strike a chord? The constant snarky comments took a toll on her huh? He turned his body towards his comrade, expecting to see a somber Hange. Instead, to his surprise, he saw a contemplative Hange. "Me?" she finally questioned before pouting. "Aww, I'm not allowed to experiment on myself anymore." She leaned over to Levi once more before speaking once again. "Buuuut that doesn't mean someone else can't~! Levi would you mi-".

"Tch." It was foolish of Levi to think his weird comrade could be insulted by something so trivial. Her comrades sweat dropped at her antics before Levi continued. "No four eyes. I will not experiment on you."

"Oh come on. It'll be fu-" Hange was once again cut off, but this time by their commander. "Hange cut it out. You know you're in charge of new finds. When we find what we're looking for, you'll be in charge of it" Erwin intervened. The statement made her visibly perk up. "Now look alive! Two titans up ahead. One is 7 meters and the other 15 meters. Eld, Petra, terminate them."

Just as Erwin said, two large titans could be seen hobbling through the forest, however something was off about them. Though their appearances looked particularly normal for titans, their behavior was questionable. Of course they could simply be classified as abnormal, even they seemed a bit more intelligible then them. Erwin had noticed that they looked to be observing their surroundings. It seemed preposterous as it was commonly known that they had no intelligence, but he could tell – hidden behind the inhumane expressions on their faces, there was curiosity.

'Perhaps a new species' Erwin contemplated. 'No, they're a species in themselves. No! Our enemies.' Soon after nearing the titans, they had taken notice of the group. To his surprise, they hadn't ran towards them. Another commonly known fact was that abnormals ran towards their targets, yet here were two of them swiftly walking towards them, not at all matching their previously exhibited behavior. 'As a matter of fact, perhaps both theories aren't that far off' Erwin contemplated once again. Based on this little finding, Levi had come to similar conclusions, along with Hange and a few other elites. Something was up. It could be tied to their enemies or it couldn't. One thing was for sure; they wouldn't know until they looked into it more.

Moments after the order was given, Eld and Petra sprang into action . With their remarkable teamwork, they came to a silent agreement on how to perform this task. Galloping ahead of the regiment, they used their ODM gear to fly up and swing around the titans to cut deep into their napes. Yet again, they were presented with another surprise. After the deep cuts were inflicted in the napes of the titans, rather than collapsing, they burst into clouds of smoke.

This time, as the all the living organisms in the forest knew of the affair, all was silent. Fear was shared among the entirety of regiment as they stared at the smoke still lingering around. When deep cuts are inflicted into the napes of titans, they collapse and evaporate into steam, not immediately burst into smoke. If this was the work of their enemies, then humanities goal would be a lot harder to attain. What the hell did they get themselves into? Complete silence remained as they waited for their next course of action.

"We will proceed with the mission. Continue in short range formation" Erwin ordered after a minute or two of silence. A few shouts of disagreement sounded from the crowd. It was understandable after all. Not only changing the objective of an expedition, but encounter unknown factors. 'Won't this be fun to explain to the higher ups' Erwin inwardly groaned at this thought. If he wasn't qualified, even Erwin would be over it. Nevertheless he countered. "I understand this is alarming, still we must carry on. Never forget that we do what we do for our people. We are humanities hope, and as such we must fight with blood, sweat, and tears. The 56th expedition must not end on such a disappointing note."

The unease among the scouts was still present, though they now kept it to themselves. The authority their commander had over them was substantial. They also had to admit, he was quite inspiring. On the contrary, there were others among the frightened group that content with the decision their commander had made. 'After all, we made it this far' One thought. 'The worst that could happen is a few causalities. It's not like we haven't dealt with those before' another convinced themselves. If only they knew just how incorrect they were.

Forging on, the scout regiment continued on in the directing of where the steam had been seen rising earlier. Unbeknownst to them, those 'titans' were the disguised doppelgangers of a blonde shinobi.


"Hey guys. What would you do if I told you we were making progress?"

1192 Words

Hey guyss. I had a lot of fun writing this chapter. I think the next chapter will finally be the encounter between the shinobi and the scouting regiment. Anyway, I might not post again next Monday as I have CPTs to complete. However, this isn't set in stone so don't worry. I might just post a short chapter instead of a long one. Anyway hope you enjoyed this chapter. Until next time!


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