Chapter 13 - Attempted Conversation

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Hey guys, I know it's been awhile, but I've been extremely busy. I tried to post an announcement earlier notifying you all that I'd be updating later today, but for some reason it would post. Just a heads up, this chapter is significantly shorter than any other. I have my CPT this week so my schedule is full , but I felt bad for keeping you guys waiting so long. Hopefully next week when my CPT is completed, I'll be able to update again. Anyway, no need to keep you waiting any longer. Enjoy!!

[Recap] Thankfully, it hadn't resulted in violence and they made up and separated, being notified it was time for bed by the bell. The excitement died down, and everyone retreated to their designated cabins; some faster than others. And for a while, all memory of the kids were put away, instead being replaced by the fogging of exhausted minds. It was only the first day and they were tuckered out. The next day would surely be brutal.

             Out of all the oddball things Hange imagined herself doing, indirectly teaching three kids her native language was definitely not one of them – the children weren't even the odd variable, it was just that she thought German was everyone's native language. If you considered raising your voice in desperation hoping that this time, they would suddenly comprehend the foreign language and respond as indirectly teaching someone a language, then she was doing a great job of it. She even added a few hand gestures into the mix; like when she first instructed them to sit on the rickety medical bed. It was clear that this was where the progressed stopped, so she resigned herself resting her head in her hands, while Levi, who resigned himself to the far left corner shortly after entering the room, came to stand to her left.

"This is going nowhere," Levi stated to his associate as if it wasn't already clear enough. The children didn't even understand a sliver of German.

"Your right! How dare they not understand despite never learning the language after only hearing it for a few hours?!" Hange wanted to throw Levi into oncoming traffic. She could only put up with so much of his snarky remarks; even if they were partly observations.

She received a snort in response to her remark. "On the bright side, at least we could speak freely about them without having to worry about watching what we say and our language; although, they probably would be able to deduce that we're speaking about them right now."

Where were they going wrong? She was filled to the brim with creativity, but it was like she lost all sort of capability in pursuit of knowledge. How could she apply this to getting information though? Levi was well aware that she was more capable of what she was usually perceived as, but he should have at least set the foundations for her to build on. Then again, who was really qualified to teach someone a language?


"So, are we just going to sit here and wait for something to happen," Naruto scratched his head leaning back on the wall. It kind of irked that in his and his teammate's patience, he realized that his twelve year old legs didn't even hang of the edge with her back against the wall. He had genuinely forgotten how short he used to be – that was another thing he'd have to get used to in this dimension.

That was definitely the least of their worries though. What did height matter when they we stuck in a dimension with those that spoke in foreign tongues. They certainly could not understand the unusual language and from the looks of it, with the soldier's horrid communication skills, they'd never understand.

"We've been doing that for the past... I don't even know how long," Sakura responded, her back meeting the wall as well. "I say we take the lead and try to interact with them."

"And how do you propose we do that?"

"Sasuke! Thank you for joining our discussion," Sakura responded cheekily. Sasuke just looked at her with an unamused expression. He could recognize the phrase Iruka sensei used to tease him with in class. He did not take nicely to the tradition being brought back. "Well if you must know, I say we..."

They all briefly acknowledged the scouts turning their attention to their discussion.

572 Words

Well, that's it. I know this chapter was really short, but this is all I could write this time. Also I apologize for ending the chapter on such a bad note. I'm grateful I have such understanding readers! I really appreciate all your love and support. As always, if you have any feedback, please comment. 

Until next time!!

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 06, 2021 ⏰

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