The Crossroads of Destiny /1

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~ Veronica's POV ~

Even though I tried to talk to Y/N, she said we have to follow the script. I knew she was right, but I didn't wanted to be confronted by Katara.

The Dai Li opened the door to the underground cell, and threw us in. I know, I could have easily escaped again. But I couldn't.

We rolled down to the ground, where Katara was in the other part of the cell.

"Ouch." I whispered and got up, brushing the dirt of my clothes. I sat on one of the rocks, waiting for Katara to start chatting with us.

"Zuko! And you!" Katara narrowed her eyes at us I helped Zuko up. She did have a reason to be mad at him, but I didn't have the mood to deal with her right now.

"Why did they threw you in here after me?!? Wait, no, let me guess. It's a trap! Once Aang comes to save me here, you will finally get your dirty hands on him!" Katara was getting angry at Zuko, who was sitting on the floor facing the wall. He looked at us for a moment, before looking away again.

I must have left him wondering how I knew, and how long I knew.

"You're a horrible person you know that?!? You're always following us, hunting the avatar down! You want to extinguish the last hope of the world for peace. But why would you care?!? You're the firelords son. War, Violence and hate is in your blood." Katara walked around angrily, and I knew that was enough.

"Oi, Oi, Oi. That's enough water girl." I narrowed my eyes at her, wanting to earth bend her away from us. I shouldn't probably be rude to her, but I couldn't help it.

She ignored me through.

"You don't know what you're talking about." Zuko said to her, still facing the wall.

"I don't?!? How dare you! You don't know what the war did to me! The fire nation took away my mom forever." Katara kneeled and cried as she talked about her mom.

"I'm sorry about that.. We're both the same when it comes to that." Zuko tried to be nice.

Katara looked up.

~ Y/N's POV ~

Me and Azula made our way to the room where the throne, and the king was. The coup was about to begin, and I knew who was going to be there. Sokka and Toph should try to warn the king about the coup.

I felt someone earth bending, so I assumed it was Toph.

"Ready, Y/N?" Azula asked me with a smirk, as we stood behind the corner.

"Ready, Azula." I nodded with a confident smile. I knew we could do this.

We walked over to the king, as Toph, Sokka, Ty Lee and Mai fought together.

Azula grabbed the king, and ignited a small blue flame in her hand, before speaking up.

"This fight is over." She said, getting everyone's attention. Toph and Sokka raised their hands, surrendering.

Ty Lee chi blocked both of them, and they fell onto the floor. Momo flew around, and one of the Dai Li agents caught him with the rock hands.

Azula showed the king down the stairs, "Get them all out of my sight." She ordered some Dai Li agents and her friends, expect me. We planned that I would stay.

Then, Long Feng and the rest of the Dai Li walked into the room.

"Now, comes part where I double cross you. Dai Li, arrest the Fire Nation princess and her friend." Long Feng smirked, thinking his plan was about to succeed.

I almost couldn't hold my laugh inside. I knew that he was going to fail really hard.

"I said arrest them!" Long Feng pointed at us, wondering why the Dai Li didn't listen to him.

"What is wrong with you?!?" He turned around, now angry at the agents behind him.

Me and Azula just stood by the throne, smirking.

"It's because they haven't made up their minds. They're waiting to see how this is going to end." Azula smirked, and I could even hear her iconic sound.

"What are you talking about?" Long Feng looked back at us.

"I can see your whole history in your eyes. You were born with nothing, so you've had to struggle and connive and claw your way to power." Azula have her little speech, smirking at him.

"But the true power, the divine right to rule, is something you're born with." She narrowed her eyes. I looked away. It really wasn't like that with me, but I didn't wanted to complain.

"The fact is, they don't know which one of us is going to be sitting on that throne. And which one is going to be bowing down, but We know, and you know as well." She smirked, and walked to the throne and sat on it.

I just took a few steps to be closer to the throne.


Long Feng was shocked, and was sweating. Then, he knelt down before Azula.

"You've beaten me at my own game." He said in defeat, and I looked over at Azula.

"Don't flatter yourself, you were never even a player." We said in unison, and I smiled.

I've always wanted to say this.

~ Veronica's POV ~

"Forgive me for yelling at you." Katara finally apologized to Zuko. I didn't trusted her, since I knew Zuko should join Azula anyway.

"It doesn't matter now." Zuko looked at me, still searching for answers.

"You know, whenever I had to imagine an enemy, your face came to my mind.." she explained, trying to befriend Zuko or something. Yeah, not a chance for now

"My face... I understand.." he looked away and touched his scar. I narrowed my eyes at her.

"I-I.. didn't mean it that way..-" Katara tried to apologize, after she realized what he thought she wanted to say.

"That's okay." Zuko looked at me, who was still staring at Katara. He started to say something to her, but I didn't listen for a bit. I was too busy making sure she doesn't try anything.

"Maybe you could." She offered him, and I instantly knew what they were talking about.

"What?" Zuko looked at her.

"I'm a healer you know?" She told him.

"Yeah, I gave myself healing powers as well. You're not the special one here, you know?" I thought to myself. I knew this should be a good moment to explain myself. Only if Katara wasn't here.

Shifter {Azula X reader, Zuko X OC}Where stories live. Discover now