Prologue - Edited

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     The smell.  The tardy smell of blood, the stench of torn flesh.  That was the first thing I remembered. 

     Pitch black.  No windows, no lights, not even a reflection in the puddle of crimson blood I lied in.  Silence.  Cries went quiet, frozen movement, no one stirred. 

     As I laid limp, a beam of bright light shined through a tinted bus window.  Were we upside down?  I looked up, my neck ached with the movement, to see the seat cushions of worn-out gray leather chairs. 

     I wiggled my finger tips, feeling cold metal beneath them.  The bus had flipped.  When?  I couldn't remember.  Had I been asleep?  Surely, I would have woken up. 

     The thin beam of light grew wider as the carrier grew closer.  My hand fluttered absently in darkness, searching for one of my teammates.  Were they okay?  Was I okay?  A groan.  Someone had woken up and my eyes soaked with tears.

     "H-hey," my voice croaked, yearning for whomever had stirred.  I tried to crawl with my forearms, but my body was far too sore to move.  Blinding lights stretched through the glass, voices surrounded us. 

     I looked behind me, watching as the bus doors were pried open with a bundle of hands.  "Boys!" a frantic voice broke through.  I didn't recognize it.  A cry ripped apart the throat of one of my teammates. 

     They didn't sound too far from me. 

     I pushed my elbow forward, slowly pulling my body toward the voice.  Pain sprinted from my forearm to my hips.  I heard more voices, louder this time, and my hands could feel the vibrations on the bus ceiling from people climbing inside. 

     Shuffling, scooting, crying, and groaning erupted from behind me as our rescuers went to work.  I kept crawling to the cry, where was he?

     Light shot my way, reaching to the back of the bus.  "Hey, kid, you okay?"  The entire bus lit up, revealing the one thing the darkness had concealed... bodies.  Battered, bleeding, broken bodies lied on the bus ceiling.  My best friend, Fisher, was unnervingly still. 

     His head was painted in scarlet blood, his arm twisted in a painful angle, and his left leg was nowhere to be seen. 

     That's when it started. 

     A lump scratched up my throat, ripping through my teeth, and falling out of my mouth.  A loud, grief pierced, sob was all I could hear. 

     Tears streamed down my cheeks, falling in pools of red beneath me.  I managed to make it to Fisher, I clasped his shoulder and began shaking him. 

     "Wake up," I tried, my voice cracking with desperation.  "Fish, get up!  Wake up!"  "Hey," a soothing adult voice called.  I felt hands gently grab my waist, carefully pulling me off of him. 

     I tried to fight them off, but my legs burned in agony as soon as I offered to move them.  A blood curdling scream fled between my busted lips.  I gripped onto Fisher's jacket as I was pulled away, yelling as loud as I could in hopes of staying with him. 

     A fire I had never felt before consumed my body like I was caught in an inferno.  It was only a matter of time before I was dragged out of the bus and onto a gurney. 

     Cold air whipped my face, chipping away at my blood coated skin.  I stared blankly at the moon's warm glow.  The stars twinkled and shined, complementing the moon's calming gleam. 

     Within seconds, faces I didn't know blocked out the moon. 

     The smell of rubbing alcohol faded into the tangy blood stench that I'm sure submerged my clothing.  Voices echoed loudly, but I couldn't understand a thing. 

     They all blended together just like the strange faces above me did.  I felt myself being lifted and then saw a clean white ceiling. 

     An ambulance?  Why an ambulance?  I was fine, alive, it was my teammates that needed help. 

     "G...get," my throat crumbled with every vocal cord that clang together.  A bright light glared into my left eye before my vision was just a series of fuzzy events. 


Prologue is up... March-20-2021

Hope y'all like it thus far ;)

Edited August 11, 2023
Edited January 2, 2024

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