Extra: Love, love, love

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Kurt could barely believe it. In a way, he kind of knew Blaine had been planning on proposing to him, but he had never imagined he'd do it like that... So grand and beautiful, at Dalton where they met and with the help of all the show choirs they knew. And Kurt never once thought that so many of his friends would go out of their way to come by too. Rachel, Santana, Mercedes, Piper... They were all there to watch one of the most important moments of Kurt's life and, as much as he was grateful for all of them for coming, after the buzz of the proposal had died down a bit, there was one person he wanted to talk to the most.

And so, there they were, Piper and Kurt, on the basement of his house, laying side by side on his bed, much like they had done a thousand times before during their many sleepovers in high school.

"How are you feeling?" Piper asked as she turned her head to look at Kurt, smiling a bit when the boy beamed at her.

"Amazing." He admitted, causing Piper to giggle as she reached her hand over to grab his so she could take another look at the ring on his finger. "I'm so happy, P... You have no idea."

"I'm glad." Piper smiled. "You deserve all the happiness in the world, Kurt. After everything you've been through, you deserve all the good things you're receiving, you know?"

Kurt chuckled, sitting up on his bed as he pulled Piper up to sit down beside him as well.

"You know... I still remember... That day in our sophomore year, after April gave us our first ever drink." Kurt said, as Piper laughed. "You remember?"

"How could I forget?" She said. "I went to school hammered the next day. I even gave in a picture that I drew of you while drunk as a project in my arts class and got an A-plus for it."

"Crazy." Kurt laughed. "But, you know... That day... That was the day you told me you had a crush on Quinn, remember? We were sitting right there, on the floor, and you showed me a picture you had drawn of her during that one game I played as a kicker."

"I remember." Piper nodded. "That was also the day you admitted to me that you had a crush on Finn."

"Yeah." Kurt agreed. "But, you know... That day... We thought we were never gonna be happy. What, with us crushing on straight people who just so happened to be dating each other? But the universe works in a funny way, doesn't it? I mean, Finn ended up as my brother and Quinn turned out to be not that straight... You ended up with your girl, and, eventually, I found my guy too."

"Crazy." Piper nodded. "If I told sixteen-year-old Piper Snow that she'd be in the happiest relationship she's ever been in with no one other than Quinn Fabray herself, I'm sure she would've laughed."

"And how do you think young Kurt would've reacted to hearing that he'd find love soon, in a rival show choir, no less?"

"Yeah..." Piper nodded then. "We did, Kurt. We both did it."

"We did it." Kurt repeated, pulling Piper in for a hug before pulling away from her and looking down at her with a smile. "But I wouldn't be here, happy like this if it wasn't for you. Actually, I probably wouldn't even be alive..."


"I wouldn't." The boy insisted, causing Piper to smile just a little bit. "Which is why you're so important to me, Piper Snow."

"You're important to me too, Kurt." She smiled, as the boy winked at her.

"Well, then I guess that makes this answer a lot easier then." Kurt said, as Piper frowned a bit, confused for a second. "Would you, Piper Snow, give me the honor of being my Maid of Honor?"

"Wait..." Piper gasped then, a smile already forming on her lips as she stared at Kurt, wide-eyed. "Are you serious? You want me to be your Maid of Honor at your wedding?"

"Yes." Kurt nodded. "Would you?"

"If I would?" Piper scoffed, throwing her arms around Kurt and tumbling over him as the two of them fell back in his bed in fits of giggles. "Of course I would, it would be my honor!"

"Great." Kurt laughed. "I love you, Piper Snow."

Pulling away from her best friend for a second then, Piper sent him a gentle look and a sweet smile.

"I love you too, Kurt Hummel." 

Picture Perfect - Book 4 - Q.F.Where stories live. Discover now