Meeting - Ningguang

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a/n: been awhile sorry abt that but i wanted to publish this quickly to say that i have exams soon, which means more delayed publishes so i hope everyone understands! <3

Pairing: gn!reader + Ningguang
Warning: modern!au, ceo!Ningguang, not proofread, grammatical errors
Word count: 2980 words

You nervously fixed your tie around your neck, huffing out a breath as if to encourage yourself.

Today was your first day as the new assistant of a famous and wealthy CEO, you don't know how you got the job but you did anyway.

"Alright, I can do this." You pep talk and then grab your bag to start heading to the building. Extending your arm to pull the cloth that was covering your watch and look at the time. You should arrive just on time.


Well obviously you had calculated wrong. You tapped your feet while looking at the floor number at the elevator, constantly glancing at your watch to see how late you now were.

What were you thinking trying to help a lost girl get to her school? On your first day no less!

You were facepalming yourself so much internally, you had thought your forehead was red. You knew how strict Ningguang was when it comes to business. Just what exactly went through your head to go and help that little girl!?

You rushed to the front door of a busy office, hearing deafening silence from the other side. You sighed in relief, assuming that everything was okay. Your hand rests on the door knob, ready to get in.

That is until you heard the loud, booming "Where is my assistant?"

Ah, I'm fucked. You thought, beads of cold sweat starting to form on your forehead.

"They should be here, in my office, bright and early. Where are they?" She asked her coworkers with such malice rolling off her tongue, enough to make the coworkers shiver in fear.

No one had answered her, you could then hear the clicking of her heels nearing the door and you braced yourself for impact. Attempting to still look good in front of your new boss and fixing your tie, along with everything else.

The door opens, revealing the angered Ningguang in front of you. She stares at you with a raised eyebrow.

"And who are you supposed to be? Get to work, I'm not in the mood." She waves off and walks past you but, you stood boldly and confidently, not wanting to disappoint her.

"I'm your new assistant." You introduce as she turns her head slowly to look at you. Fear was slowly starting to rise inside you, consuming you.

What a bad first impression. You thought to yourself.

"You're late." Was all she said and you knew that served as a warning for you. She didn't have to say anything else when she continued to walk down the hall, you were for sure gonna get fired the next time.

Note to self: never be late. A breath escaped your lips as you entered the door through the busy office, seeing all the disappointed looks at you.

It was your fault that they had been scolded and you promised to yourself that you were never, ever gonna do that again.


"Move my meeting to Tuesday, get me a cup of coffee for later." Ningguang stated as you wrote down on your clipboard, catching up to her from behind.

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