home sweet home

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pairing : gn!reader + AlHaitham, Kaveh
warnings // tags : reverse comfort, can be platonical or romantic (your choice), can be polyamorous or not (your choice), roomates, possibly OOC, fluff, not proofread
word count : 1515 words

—— the scribe's silent wishes of comfort
word count : 534 words

It was already in the middle of the night that you hear the front door close, not long after did you see the grey-haired man into view. He didn't spill any words of greeting when he arrived but, you could see the fatigue that clung onto his stature. You could tell today had been a long day.

"You okay?" You quietly muttered as your eyes followed his figure around your bedroom, he removed his earphones and sat himself down on your bed, opening his arms slightly to gesture you to come close.

You immediately follow his request, of course. Who were you to deny him of his needs?

You stood in between his legs and wrapped your arms gently around his head while his arms wrapped around your waist, engulfing you in warmth. He let out a silent, muffled sigh of relief. One that felt like he had been carrying some sort of burden for weeks on end.

"Hmmmm... Kaveh's preparing some tea for you now, I believe. Do you want some?" You ask instead of asking if he wanted to talk about it. You knew he wasn't well-versed with spilling out his feelings and emotions, instead, you wanted him to feel safe and assured that everything would be okay in this moment.

He didn't need to spill out his entire story for you to understand his pain, just as long as you were there to give him support, it would surely be enough for you to know that he was in pain.

"I'd like to pass on the tea." He declines quietly, hands still wrapped around your waist but, not as tight anymore.

"Are you sure..? Kaveh made your favourite," You ask once more and it's as if the blonde had heard you quite clearly since he arrived just on time with the mentioned cup of tea. He placed it on your desk and leaned on your bedroom doorframe whilst sipping on his own tea, staring at you.

He silently mouths to you. 'What happened?'

You shrug your shoulders, your hands continuing to brush the grey hairs in attempt to relieve Haitham of his stress. 'I don't know, I don't wanna pry.'

The blonde slowly nods. "Come find me if you both need anything, okay? I'll be in my room."

"Okay, thanks for the tea, Kaveh." You mention gratefully before he closes your bedroom door and leaves you two alone.

You look down at the grey-haired man and stopped combing his hair for a moment. It was times like these that Haitham would often lose his attitude and actually be vulnerable in front of you or Kaveh, which wasn't something that either of you judged or looked down upon. Everyone has their down days. Tomorrow morning, everyone in the house will just act like nothing happened and return to squabbling and having small arguments with each other.

"How long do you want me to stay like this with you for the evening?" You ask.

"...An hour or two. I apologize if I've disrupted your... work." He mutters.

"It's fine. I've got still got more time to work on them. Hour or two, was it?"

—— the architect can barely keep his eyes open
word count : 984 words

Kaveh lifts his hand that held a pencil, staring at the paper that laid on his desk as he grimaced at it. The only lightsource coming from his desk lamp. He was unsatisfied with it, the lines looked wonky and slightly off-centered. The details seemed like it was the wrong measurement. This wouldn't be enough to satisfy a client!

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