Chapter 6

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You hummed as you dried your hair from your shower, stepping out into your room. It was lit up by the weak sunlight, and you decided to wear your black (F/B) shirt, black jeans, (F/C) converse and (F/C) zip-up hoodie. It wasn't the most stunning outfit, but you weren't impressing anyone and Toby didn't exactly spend time picking your outfits.
As you rummaged through the bag he brought you, you felt a glow of happiness as you realised he had packed your art supplies. You kept it a secret that you actually loved to draw, but he must've looked through your sketchbook and packed them for you. With a touched smile, you suddenly remembered Helen from the night before. He seemed nice, and maybe you could bond over art.
Standing up, you shoved your pocket knife in your pocket, holding your notebook and pens in your spare arm. You grabbed the key from your side table and unlocked the door slowly. It was only next door, you should be fine. You closed the door behind you and locked it, then took a look around.
Stood at the end of the hallway was a figure. You attempted to process what was going on. You couldn't get back inside in time. The figure was walking, towards you. Gripping your pocket knife, you flicked it open inside your pocket and tried to avoid looking at them. As they got closer, you realised it was a pale girl with long black hair, black eyes and black lipstick. She paused next to you and tilted her head.

"...hello. Shouldn't you be inside?" She asked, and you blinked, surprised, "Toby mentioned you. Well, Clockwork told me he mentioned you. I heard what happened with... Jeff. He's a fucking asshole. Don't worry, I'll make sure he keeps his distance."

"H-huh? Uh, t-thank you? I thought you were going to attack me, not gonna lie." you quietly clicked your pocket knife back into its place, face flushed in embarrassment.

"Eh, I don't like getting involved in Masky's schemes. They're always all over the place, especially if Hoodie isn't involved. He's the brains of the two. Anyway, stay safe." Jane nodded at you, then headed down the hallway again, turning the corner and disappearing.

Blinking in confusion, you turned and headed over to Helen's door, and knocked. You heard shuffling, then the door opened. Helen seemed shocked to see you, and quickly looked behind you before pulling you into his room and shutting the door.

"Are you crazy? You could've been killed!" He said, letting go of you and huffing, "well, you're here now. What's up?"

"You said you paint?" You smiled, holding up your notebook, "I like to draw. I thought we could, bond, I guess."

Helen looked at your notebook, then took off his mask and put it on a hook by his door. His eyes were blue, and appeared deep and brooding, and they swivelled to look at you. His face flushed, and he went quiet. You felt some confusion rise.

"Sorry, I just didn't... expect to be this close to you so soon. Normally there's a wall between us." Helen looked away, clearly socially awkward and not used to being confronted like this.

"Ah shit, he's an introvert" you thought to yourself, mentally facepalming. The reason he could talk to you at the window is because you weren't standing face to face.

"That's true." was all you could think of, and mentally screamed at yourself for being an awkward bitch.

You quickly thought of a way to break the tension, and took a look around his room. Paintings were stacked up on a rack next to his open window to dry, drawings and notes taped to the walls, his desk cluttered with pens, paper and pencils, the aisle on the other side of the window holding an unfinished painting. His bed was pushed into the corner by the door, as if discarded to make space for his art. You had to slip between his desk and drying rack to get to the bathroom.

"Oh, sorry. It's a mess, I didn't know you were coming..." Helen trailed off as you approached his desk, peering at what he was doing. He rushed over and quickly slammed his hand over a certain drawing, his face red, and hid it in his desk drawer, "that one's private."

"Oh, sorry," you stared at him with big eyes, wondering what the fuck is problem was. Shaking it off, you looked around at all the drawings, admiring them, "these are all amazing!"

"Uh, thank you. Can I see yours?" Helen asked, and you felt a flush of embarrassment. Compared to his, yours felt like child scribble, "I'm sure they're great." He said, as if he read your mind.

Reluctantly, you handed over your sketchbook, your stomach knotting anxiously. Helen wandered over to his bed and sat down, opening the sketchbook and flipping through. You approached him and sat down beside him, peering over his shoulder. He seemed to buffer slightly, his face flushing as he looked at you with his panicked blue eyes.

"Uh... you good?" You asked, raising an eyebrow. Helen swallowed, then nodded and continued looking at your drawings.

"T-these, uh, they're really good, actually. You have a good understanding of anatomy. How old are you?" Helen asked, and you smiled.

"19, almost 20." You replied, and Helen nodded.
"You're very talented. What were you doing before... here?" He set down your sketchbook in your lap, and turned to look at you.

He seemed to have adjusted to the close proximity quickly, and as you sat back up straight, he looked slightly disappointed.

"I was working in a gas station. That's where Masky snatched me, actually. I think he killed my co-worker," you suddenly remembered the blood on his hands, and how your co-worker had left only five minutes prior. You felt a wave of regret, realising you should have insisted he stayed.

"I'm sorry, that seems traumatic. Masky tends to snatch up random girls, but you're the first he's let live. His weird plan about you being hunted is inhumane." Helen flopped back on his bed, looking at you.

"I mean, not defending him or anything, but I think that's the least inhumane thing you guys have done." You responded, and Helen chuckled.

"That's true..." his eyes drifted to his wall, and he raised his eyebrows, "Toby should be showing up at your room soon. He wouldn't be happy that you're here."

You sighed, then got up, picking up your sketchbook. Helen also stood to let you out, and as you went to open the door, he leant forward and grabbed the handle so he was leaning over you.

"Come see me again, Y/N. I enjoy your company," Helen said, his face alarmingly close to yours. You felt your face flush uncomfortably. He lifted his other hand, curling it around you and tucking some of your hair behind your ear, "I would love to paint you..."

"Maybe next time," you responded, and directed your gaze to the door, waiting for him to open it. Instead, you felt his hand touch your chin, and he directed you to look at him again. His eyes were deep, meaningful, obsessive. A flicker of hunger sparked deep in his blue eyes.

"I meant it when I called you pretty. Your beauty is ethereal, Y/N. Maybe one day, you'll let me see all of it." Helen grinned slightly, and you felt your face flush again, and your stomach knotted slightly in butterflies. Now was not the fucking time to be getting butterflies.
Helen opened the door and released you, and watched you as you left.

"U-uhm, thank you for showing me your drawings..." you said, and Helen smiled at you, looking quite different to how he did a few moments ago.

"No problem. I'll try and catch you at the window tonight. Bye." Helen then shut the door. You quickly took a few steps to yours, sliding in the key and letting yourself inside.

You slammed your door and locked it, your heart still pounding. You slid to the ground and looked at the cover of your sketchbook, still processing what had happened. Of course, Helen was still a creepypasta. You were a fool to think he would be a normal person. You had to be more careful. Just as you thought this, a knock at the door.

"Y/N? Let me in. It's Toby."

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