Chapter 18

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After you had locked up your room, you headed down the hall and up the staircase. When you reached the top, you looked hesitantly at Masky's door before quickly heading up the stairs just in case he showed up. Once you got to the ward, you entered and looked around for Dr. Smiley. Nowhere to be seen.

"He must be in his office," You thought, and crossed the clean pale floor towards the door. You knocked hesitantly.

No answer. You knocked again, only to have the same response. Deciding to check if he was in there, you slowly opened the door and peered inside. Dr. Smiley was sat at his desk, too absorbed in his work to have heard you. Slipping inside, you shut the door behind you and approached his desk. At the sound of you flopping in the leather seat across from him, his red eyes flicked from what was in front of him to you.

"Ah, Y/N," Dr. Smiley sat up properly, "you almost scared me there. How can I help?" He asked, and you looked away awkwardly when you felt him eying the graze and bruising on your face.

"I'd like to have some sleeping medication. I've been having vivid nightmares about... being tortured, almost every night. Also some painkillers my head is killing me." You huffed.

"I see, the sleeping medication is no problem. I would offer you a psychiatrist however we don't have one here... I apologise," before you could respond, he spoke again, "and the painkillers?"

"Oh, just got into another scrap. You know me. Not hospitalised this time though!" You grinned, attempting to lighten the mood. Dr. Smiley was definitely not amused.

"Y/N, this is getting increasingly worrying. If this continues I'll have to move you in here so I can keep an eye on you. I value your safety and Masky's behaviour is life threatening. You're being abused in more ways than one."

"What do you mean?" You asked, "more ways than one?"

Dr. Smiley sighed, leaning back in his chair and removed his mask. He then set his eyes on you for a while, as if he was examining you.

"Y/N, Masky has saved you a few times, correct?" He asked, and you nodded in response, "despite the fact that he abused you, tortured you, attempted to murder you and put your life in danger many times. Do you often find yourself looking to him to rescue you in bad situations? For example, the Toby situation?"

You paused, and your head swam a little as you attempted to process this. He scared you more than anything, but you still felt a pang of relief if he showed up when you were in danger, always knowing he would save you in his own twisted way. Dr. Smiley watched your facial expression, then sighed again.

"Alright, let's change the topic. For your sleeping medication and painkillers, I'll send someone down to give them to you later on. For now, I want you to make sure your room is safe as it can be, then rest. There's not much we can do for your mental damage at the moment."

"Thanks, Dr. Smiley," you said, then got to your feet and headed to the door, confused as to what he had been talking about earlier.

You left the room and headed back the way you had came. Just as you began heading down the stairs, careful to be quiet near Masky's door, you froze as you unexpectedly met someone on the steps. Hoodie's masked face was directed at you silently, and you felt that familiar chill go up your spine.
"Uh... hey." You swallowed the pit in your throat and quickly passed him, feeling his icy cold stare pierce into your back.

"Annie." Hoodie's voice made you freeze, and you whipped around to look at him. What had he just said? Did he say your friend's name? You felt a surge of protectiveness burn away your fear.

"How do you know that name?" You demanded, and Hoodie stared back at you silently, "I swear to god if you hurt her I'll-"

Hoodie suddenly put his finger up to his face, like he was shushing you. Furiously, you fell silent and glared at him. His hand slowly dropped and he stared back at you. It seemed almost like he was testing you, seeing how you react to things. Like a game. Just as quickly as he came, Hoodie turned and headed up the stairs, then disappeared down the hall. Confused and angry, you stormed all the way back to your room and unlocked your door, letting yourself inside and making sure to lock it behind you. What the hell was he up to? You thought he was more mature than Masky's games, but it seemed like he decided to join anyway, and was just going about it differently. You then remembered Dr. Smiley's words, and sat down on your bed. You had to calm down.
Curling up on your bed, you shuffled through your memories, thinking of the best ones. Your mom kept coming into your mind, and you thought of how she smelt, how she hugged you, how happy she got when you came to visit. You remembered all those proud moments when you got to show her a good score from school, and the bittersweet ones when she cheered you up in her own special way. Before you even realised it, a stinging feeling came from your nose as tears ran from your eyes down your face, choking back sobs as you thought about your mother. What had your life come to? You wished you hadn't taken your mom for granted before this. You thought of how worried she must be, how frantically she must be searching for you. But you knew that if she found you, her fate would be worse than yours. You curled tighter into yourself and screwed your eyes shut, attempting to block out the haunting thoughts. As you did so, you slipped into and unsettled sleep.

You found yourself in an empty room, one without a door or windows. Taking a frantic look around, you wondered if someone had taken you in your sleep and locked you in here. Before you could even process that thought, a door suddenly appeared in front of you. It opened into blackness, and a figure stepped into the room. Masky. He stood still, and began yelling. Although, his voice was muffled, like you were in a different room or underwater. Suddenly you felt cold hands hold you in place, and something thin press against your throat. Toby yelled back at Masky, his voice equally as muffled. As you frantically attempted to move but couldn't even lift a finger, you managed to make out some words the two were saying. It was like they weren't even part of the same conversation. They were both yelling things they had previously said to you, things that had made your stomach turn in the moment. Their yells became more frantic, then suddenly Toby's voice became extremely clear as he whispered in your ear.

"Forgive me, Princess"

Suddenly you felt the cold, thin object at your throat slice across your throat. Blood spurted out of the now open gash in your throat, showering the room and Masky in your blood. He remained yelling in the same spot as you collapsed to the ground, choking and spasming as blood painfully filled your airway, spilling out onto the floor and filling your lungs. More figures melted into form around, The Puppeteer, The Bloody Painter, Jeff. All yelling things barely recognisable, but you could make out that they were things that had been said to you before. More figures filled the room, swarming your body and filling your ears with muffled yells and screams as you laid there unable to move. Suddenly, they all began to melt away into black, and you felt yourself falling, as if the floor had opened up beneath you. You attempted to scream as you plummeted, intense agony filling your throat as you felt your skin painfully forming back together. Suddenly, a figure appeared in front of you, standing even though you were falling. They were not facing you, yet you recognised the yellow hoodie. Slowly, Hoodie turned, and just before his face became visible...

You shot up in bed, sweat soaking your skin and clothes as you gasped for air. Your hand jumped to your throat as you desperately felt it, and you felt relief as you realised it had been another twisted nightmare. Exhausted, you swung your legs out of bed and felt your head reel as a headache set in. You shuffled to the bathroom, and stripped out of your clothes that were damp with sweat. Hopping in the shower, you turned the water to cold and sighed in relief as the freezing droplets hit your sweaty back, running down your hot face and washing away the uncomfortable, dirty feeling you always had after a nightmare. After washing yourself and your hair, you hopped out and dried yourself, then changed into some new clothes. Sitting back down onto your bed, you felt slightly better, but still on edge by the haunting nightmare you had just experienced. You could still remember the haunting feeling of the blood gushing out of your throat. Just as you went to lie back down, a knock came from your door.

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