Chapter 9

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When Toby returned, he seemed frustrated. Once you got the door unlocked, he barged in, slamming his bag down and sitting down on your bed. As you locked up the door again, you cautiously approached. Toby was taking off his goggles, and he pulled down his mouthguard to fully reveal his furious expression.
"Are... you okay?" You asked quietly, and Toby stood up and glared at you.
"I heard about what happened with E.J when I was walking in the house. He's going around acting like you're some fucking god. What the fuck did you do? Now he won't fucking leave you alone, you realise that?" Toby snapped, his brown eyes darkening.
"Was I supposed to let him kill me? Stop blaming me for other people attacking me! If you're that worried then just get me the fuck out of here and let me go home!" You yelled back. Toby seemed slightly taken aback by your sudden outburst, it wasn't normal for you to get emotional so quickly. Tears jerked to your eyes, and your bottom lip trembled slightly.
"You know I can't do that. I love making Masky mad, but he would quite literally kill me if I did that," Toby replied, then wiped away your tears just as they fell, cupping your face, "Plus, I like having you where I can watch you. Let me worry about everyone else, okay? You just take care of yourself."
You nodded, squeezing your eyes shut to stop the tears. Falling against Toby, you pressed your face against his chest. The sound of his heartbeat quickening slightly at your touch and his arms around you brought a wave of safety crashing down. His smell became something that relaxed you, because whenever he was around, you knew nothing would happen to you. Although, the nagging thought that falling for someone from this mansion was a terrible idea kept surfacing. Yes, he kept you safe, and gave you love whenever you wanted it from him, but he still had killed people. When you held him, you could smell the faint metallic scent of blood mixed in with his normal scent.
"You must have missed me," he said, more of a statement than a question, "can't let me go, huh?"
"I almost died and you weren't there," you replied, scowling at him as you stepped away, "that's all. I didn't miss you, obviously."
Toby's face twitched, and he made a clicking sound with his tongue. He then rolled his eyes and smiled at you, slowly bending down to your eye level.
"What if I missed you?" Toby replied, and you felt your cheeks flush slightly. He stood up straight, then lifted your chin and laid his lips on yours.
You leaned further into him, your heartbeat quickening as his hands curved around your waist. Then he paused, his lips frozen in motion. He slowly pulled away, then cursed quietly. A moment later, a loud knocking came from your door.
"Y/N. Open the door." Masky called out. Toby quickly grabbed his things and rushed into the bathroom, winking at you on his way past.
Making sure he had disappeared, you approached the door and unlocked it slowly, then flinched as Masky burst through the door. You shut it, not bothering to lock it. Nobody even tried to come in while Masky was in here.
"We haven't caught up in a while, have we? Someone's been quite busy, from what I've heard. You're getting bolder by the day. Attacking Eyeless Jack, leaving your room... it seems the house is in your favour. But not for long. I'll make sure you get what's coming to y-"
"Why are you really here?" You interrupted his god complex speech, sounding more irritated than you intended. Masky looked at you with death in his eyes, and you thought there wouldn't be any harm in digging yourself deeper, "You really came all the way here to boast about how you're going to make someone kill me? I've lasted this long, Masky. Honestly, it sounds to me like you just don't want to get your hands dirty," you approached him slowly, a small smile forming, "why don't you suck it up and do it yourself, you big coward."
Masky stared down at you, then slowly turned and walked across your room, leaning against the wall and staring down at the floor. Confused, you began backing up into the desk. The suffocating feeling filled the room, the one that came when you knew whoever was there genuinely wanted to hurt you. No games, no teasing. Pure, murderous, malicious intent. Masky calmly looked up, and chuckled slightly.
"Afraid to get my hands dirty, hm? Oh, Y/N. You have no idea," Masky stood up straight, and you automatically began shrinking into yourself, "Me? A coward? Do you know who I am? I spared you because i wanted to! You belong to me! Your life is fucking mine!"
His voice seemed to shake the house. Fear gripped you, tingling down your spine, festering in your brain, choking your heart and digging into your stomach. Doom made your hand stand up on its end, and for a moment you thought the room was shaking. Masky suddenly took out a huge blade, which appeared to be a hunting dagger, and began laughing to himself.
"Who's the coward now, Y/N! Show me what you're fucking made of!" Masky charged at you.
Your hand shot out behind you in a panic, and you grabbed the first thing it met. Just as you saw Toby emerge from the bathroom, you knew he wouldn't get to you in time. It happened in a blur. You lurched at Masky, and as you stabbed at him, you realised you was holding the syringe Eyeless Jack dropped. Masky lurched back in shock, and you took the opportunity to slam your thumb down on the pump, shooting some of the fluid into Masky's veins. Immediately, he dropped his weapon and began yelling out in shock and agony, falling to the ground,
"Y/N!" Toby rushed to Masky and tore out the syringe, "shit, shit! What the fuck was in there?!"
"I don't know!" You replied, staring down in horror at Masky, who was now convulsing. What had you done?

You stood in the big, oddly smelling room, shuffling awkwardly. Beside you stood Toby, who glanced at you every so often, his eyes full of an emotion you couldn't describe. The room you were in was a mini hospital, with six beds, curtains surrounding them, cabinets and hospital equipment lining the walls. An office jutted off one of the walls, and storage another, and then a bathroom. Unlike the other rooms in the mansion, this room was reasonably lit, with tiles on the floor and walls. The wooden ceiling was painted a white colour instead of being tiles. The curtain closest to you suddenly opened, and a doctor stepped out. He was wearing a suit with a white lab coat, and a medical mask with a pencil scribbled smile. His hair was thick and black, with red eyes that pierced through you.
"Well, he's alright. Luckily it wasn't a toxin, just a badly made anaesthetic. I managed to get most of it out of his system, so he'll be awake in a few hours or so," the doctor looked at you, then at Toby, "may I speak to her alone?"
Toby looked at you, then nodded cautiously. The doctor dipped his head, then turned to you.
"Y/N, why don't you come to my office?"

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