Zhang ji ending

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Y/n's pov
Months have past since Zhang ji apologized to me at the hospital, he has been stuck with me all the time. He would constantly say sorry and ask, "Am I forgiven?" And in honesty, I'm close to forgiving him. I stared at Zhang ji's sleeping form lovingly. [You can see the pic of him sleeping up there👆]

"Y/N have you forgiven me yet....?" Zhang ji slurred in his sleep. "I'm sorry. I'm so sorry. I was dumb and naive" Zhang ji starts to cry. I panicked, "Zhang ji wake up. It's just a nightmare" I shook his shoulders. After attempts of trying to wake Zhang ji up, he quickly jolts up finally with a tear stained face. The moment he saw me, he squished me into a tight embrace. I patted his back gently while he kept whispering a bunch of sorry.

Weeks later~(Y/n's pov)
I stared at the sunset with Zhang ji sitting beside me. I glanced at him and he seemed kind of upset. "What's the problem?" I ask breaking the silent. "Just thinking about old times. I'm sorry." Zhang ji says and pulls me into a hug after, "I understand if you don't want to forgive me and I'm not forcing you to love me again but I just wanted to let you know that.....I love you"

I stared at Zhang ji awestruck. He loves me...? I started sniffling causing Zhang ji to panic. "Uh- wha-" I cut him off by banging my head on his. "Ouch what was that for?" Zhang ji says rubbing his head. "How can you just realize it right now?" I say hiccuping. Zhang ji looked down mortified. "And I forgive you, you asshole" I finally said it. Zhang ji immediately looks back up. "You do?!" He asks unsure but excited. I nodded and gave him a warm smile.

"I love you too" I also manages to say. Zhang ji got up and starts jumping up and down like a little child. "Thank you thank you thank you Y/N!" Zhang ji says out of extreme happiness. He finally calms down after a few minutes, "I don't think I can bare it if I lose you again so that's why..." Zhang ji pulls out something from his pocket and opened it revealing a ring, "Will you marry me Y/N L/N?" I started weeping at this point screaming, "Yes!"

Zhang ji placed the ring on my finger. We sat back down and I realized something. "You prepared a ring already?" I furrowed my eyebrows, "and had it in your pocket the whole time?" Zhang ji smiled sheepishly at me and nodded. "Dang boy" I joked. Dao Ming flew overseas to restart a fresh, new life. Zuyi became a fashion designer, Zuo joined a band named Tf family and became famous, well I also learned that Zhang ji joined Tf family too. I looked at Zhang ji and he looked at me.

We started leaning closer to each other until there was no gap between our lips anymore. The boy I love, my life partner. I'm willing to take risks for him and he is willing to take risks for me. I'm ready to spend my life with him until we grow old. I truly love you, Zhang ji. Till death do us apart.

It finally ended. My apologies if the ending is boring. Zuo hang ending coming next♥♥♥

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