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You stare at the bodies on the ground, then up at the girl smothered in blood. Her eyes narrow as she rises to her feet. 

"You're late." 

Your eyes widen and you rest your hands on your hips "Yeah, clearly. So what?" in an absolutely exasperated tone.

"You missed the feast."

You shrug, "I wasn't hungry."

"We all know your secret y/n."

"Oh you do? What is that."

"You're Rize's sister."

"Yeah Hana, I was wondering how long it would take you figure out. I thought you were smart."

She snarls. "Get out of my sight before I rip you apart, and eat you piece by piece. I would hate to use my Kagune."

"Oho, I'm so scared." You try to taunt although your legs tremble beneath you, claiming otherwise. 

As you walk past her you lean in to whisper in her ear, "You have no Kagune Hana." You didn't mean it, you were just trying to mess with her. Try to get in her head. Try to be intimidating. 

She stares back at you, horror clearly displayed on her face. She growls back. "That doesn't mean I can't eat you."

"You wouldn't be able to get to me before being skewered." You make a queer hand motion. "Imagine that."

You continue to walk, not looking back.

Pain. Pain is all you feel.

 The hunger hurts. You would have to eat soon. 

You knew you were a monster. You knew you were a terrible being, but you couldn't help it.

 Otherwise you would die. It was hard to kill a ghoul. And painful in the ghouls place.

 It was a cycle. A chain.  All of us ghouls were at the top of the chain, humans being the victims, the second tier. 

You stare down, mesmerized as the droplets from the sky splatter the pavement beneath your feet.

You had been here three years. You had suddenly appeared in a different dimension from your own. 

You were alone, and you had lost your sanity too many times because of hunger. 

You stop, sensing a figure in front of you. You jerk your head up, expecting a fight.

"Hey Y/n."

He had a tall ominous figure, bright hazel eyes, and has a smile playing on his lips.

His form is sprawled out on the ground, leaned up against one of the many lampposts that are scattered throughout the city. 

His lavender hair dances around in the light breeze, covering his face. The fading daylight caresses his face before it disappears completely, covered by the shadow of the horizon.

 He was pretty. In every way possible.

You furrow your brows and answer him.

"Who are you?"

"I thought you'd never ask." He says, catching your eye.

"Mhm." You feel slightly irritated by the stalled response.

"I'm Taehyung and I work for the Aiogiri Tree."

"Okay, and how do you know me?" Inside you feel a pang of horror at the mention of Aiogiri Tree, And you're afraid of the answer he's gonna give you.

His voice rings cold. "I got told to bring you in Y/n"

"And are you going to fulfill those orders?" You ask, almost going over the line of 'risky questions to ask when you're about to be brought in for slaughter.'" 

"Yes, and no, because I'm slightly fascinated with you."

You shiver, inwardly wrinkling your nose in disgust. 

In what way does he mean fascinated? 

Your eyes drift down to the blood soaking into his clothes.

"..What happened to you?"

"Run in with a random ghoul."

"And you lost?"

He shrugged. "No. I was just too tired to fight. So I let him wound me. I can heal pretty fast." 

Your eyes widen. 

"Does that surprise you?" He asks, the corners of his lips tilting into a smile. 

You look down, tilting your head from side to side. "Slightly."

"So can you help me?" He stares intently into your eyes.

"Not if you're trying to turn me in." You say shifting slightly on your feet.

"You know my secret. If I turn you in, you'd probably tell, And I would be killed or abused."

"..So I can trust you?" You didn't know why you said it, because you obviously wouldn't trust him until you actually got to know him. And you weren't planning on it.

His voice becomes soft, "No. Not exactly. You can do as you please, I'm just asking for temporary assistance."

"Fine. I'll help you. But only this one time."


You look down at his form, trying to find out how you're going to help.

"Do you think you can stand?" 

His body is limp and probably heavier than you can lift.


You grab his hand and pull him to his feet, placing an arm around his upper torso to try and stabilize him so that he can walk.

 He limps. You wouldn't exactly call it a walk, but he's moving and that's more than you could ask for.

 You feel his overheated body next to you. 

You shudder. 

You haven't been this physically close to anyone since you landed here. 

He looks to you, "Where are we going?"

You stop. You hadn't considered the fact that you would have to go somewhere.

"I... I don't really know."

"I know a place, If you wouldn't mind us going.."

Blood, Sweat, and Tears (Tokyo Ghoul BTS X Reader)Where stories live. Discover now