Your warning

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You crouched down then sank to your knees reaching your hand out to grasp Yoongi's through the bars of his imprisonment. "I don't even know what's going on." You stutter watching the tears creep silently down his face. "He didn't do anything... he didn't do anything I swear. He was born with it, its not his fault." His tears turned into a steady stream and rolled down his face as he stuttered obscenities.

You didn't understand anything he was trying to portray but you didn't want to press him on it, you just couldn't bear to see him cry. You whispered nonsensical things delicately through the bars as you rubbed your thumb gently over his hand. He choked and muttered phrases that you couldn't seem to catch. Something must be wrong. Really wrong. You saw Jungkook eying you with a look filled with pure malice; he was going to take you away soon, and you might never be able to see Yoongi again. You strung some words together squeezing a little harder on Yoongi's hands forcing him to pay attention to you, "I'm going to get you out of here, you need to try to revive Jin, he'll think of some way to get you out if I can't." Yoongi stopped choking on his tears and nodded, "Thank you... for everything, you argued for our lives, spared us, and now you're trying to save us again."

"If Jungkook can get his hands on you again-" you warned. Yoongi laughed a sweet laugh that rung though your ears softening your heart, reassuring you that everything would be okay. "Oh I know what he'll do Y/n, I've run across him too many times to forget what he's done." His eyes turned cold and his hand stiffened in yours. He made Jungkook sound like some sort of uncontrollable monster, unstoppable. And Yoongi was defenseless against him. "You don't really know who your fighting for or who your allies are Y/n, be careful. Learn the whole story before you pick a side." He released your hand, a grimace on his face. "Y/n you shouldn't have trusted me, Jungkook was right. But he's not so reliable either." Friend from foe, I guess I can't tell them apart. Your predicament; who could you trust? Taehyung; He was gone at the moment. Jimin. You wanted to scream, you forgot where you were or what you were doing. You wanted to screech every foul name you knew at Jungkook. You had forgotten about Jimin. Your whole soul purpose was to find Jimin and Jungkook had made you forget that. he had distracted you in the one direction you wanted to go. You had gotten so distracted in the mission of finding Taehyung that you had forgot about him, the one that was actually in danger, the one that was actually going to die. A sudden noise jolted you out of your nightmare-ish stupor, it was the staticky sound of a radio. Someone was yelling though it making the static even worse, and their voice was cutting out so his words didn't form complete sentences. The sounds were coming from a walkie talkie attached to Jin's belt.

"Yoongi, please, turn that off." You stumbled over your surprise at the noise and the disruption of your thoughts, you wanted the noise to turn off, the distraction gone. Yoongi reached over and twisted the stub of back plastic which made the sound stop completely. You reached though the bars and touched Yoongi's arm which returned his attention back to you, you were about to tell him something when his eyes widened and someone grabbed you harshly from behind.

Jungkook started to drag you back down the hall by your arms, he expected you to scream at him, he expected retaliation, but he was only left to watch as your e/c eyes grew dark and your expression emptied of all emotion. He only felt a stab in his heart as he dragged you away. He lugged you down a corner and leaned you against the wall. "Well that was unnecessary." You mumbled. Then you fell to the floor, asleep.

No talk passed between Namjoon and Jungkook as they collected anything they could find that was flammable, then Jungkook lit a match and made a fire, staining the white tile beneath it with a thin layer of black powder. He crouched by the fire and stared at the faltering flames. "I'm starving." Jungkook muttered bitterly. Namjoon had forgotten about that, right. Demons eat humans or other demons. He didn't want to eat Yoongi or Jin, but he knew that a ghoul's hunger couldn't be controlled sometimes. He glanced over at you; the glint of the firelight highlighted your face making it glimmer with a fiery light that almost exactly matched your personality, he didn't ever take the time to look at you before, to study your face without any conflicting emotion crossing your face. To put it simply, he couldn't tear his eyes away from you. A flicker of a smile crossed his face. Jungkook looked his way seeming not to notice the smile, "Joon we can't eat them and I hate it." Namjoon tilted his head back, "You're going insane."

"Yeah, I am, and if I don't eat something soon I'll lose it completely. Just.. don't let me hurt Y/n." Namjoon jerked his head back down to see Jungkook glance down at you, concern clearly plastered all over his very being. "What about me? forget about her, I've got more meat on me." A rare smile appeared on Jungkook's face and he emitted a light chuckle "Don't tempt me."

The ashes were glowing orange and gray when you woke up, the hall had darkened considerably, like someone had cranked a lever halfway and only half shut off the lights. You got up, trying to be as quiet as you could so you wouldn't- Jungkook grabbed your hand from behind and you twisted around to stare into his sooty black eyes. "Don't. You don't know what you're messing with." You tugged your hand away, "Why don't you tell me?" you ask trying to startle him, but he was in a mood. He laughs, "No, because you wouldn't be able to handle it and added onto that, you would try to maneuver yourself onto their side." Your throat tightened and you growled stepping just outside of the edge of the firelight. He was right. Yoongi's words came back to you; Jungkook was right, but not so reliable either. What was that supposed to mean? You strode over to Namjoon and sat next to him, staring over the embers at Jungkook's smug face. He couldn't win.

It was a song that had comforted you for years as you hid from the monster you were, you would listen to it no matter what situation. It started lightly in the back of your throat and carried itself down the hall where you hoped Yoongi could hear it.

"It started out as a feeling, which then grew into a hope, which then turned into a quiet thought, which then turned into a quiet word and then that word grew louder and louder 'til it was a battle cry. I'll come back when you call me. no need to say goodbye. Just because everything's changing doesn't mean it's never been this way before, All you can do is try to know who your friends are as you head off to the war. Pick a star on the dark horizon and follow the light. you'll come back when it's over. No need to say goodbye."

Your voice rang out sweetly in the silence of what you assumed was night. Your song of indirect defiance didn't have any effect on Jungkook, although it seemed like you had sung Namjoon to sleep. His mouth was tilted slightly open and he was breathing so heavily that you didn't think that you would ever have a chance to sleep again that night, that was the part you dreaded, sleeping was an excuse to ignore the man across from you, and you couldn't sleep. Ignoring him directly wouldn't work, he would only wait there patiently until you talked, you were just avoiding the inevitable. And that wouldn't work either. "We both know that sleep is impossible with that," he nodded his head in Namjoon's direction,

"so I'm going to give them to you simple and clear."

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