.Coffee and manipulation.

12 1 5

You were starting to regret locking yourself in the cage, you had the keys but you couldn't get out without Jungkook either killing or seriously hurting Jin and Yoongi.

He sat outside of the cell, leaning against the wall, features worn, eyes hard and glued to the ground.

You try to avoid thinking about what Yoongi had said to Jungkook about you, when you did your mind spun into confusion and a small jab of pain pierced your head.

Yoongi sat opposite from you, face still set in a triumphant smirk. His eyes were flashing, he was just as bad as Jungkook. Maybe worse.

You wished the lights would dim, you were exhausted. Although you didn't trust these men trapped in here with you enough to sleep. Who knows what might happen if you did.

You scrunched yourself into a corner of the cell, shoulder-bone scraping against the silky metal bars of your confinement.

Your shoulder touches his.

You jerk back, whipping around to face a head of blonde muffed wavy hair. His head tilts back a little and he moves his shoulder back to nudge yours again. He draws back and you lean against him, exhausted. He lays his head on your shoulder, but you lean your head away. The thought of the soft touch of his lips on your neck leaves you shuddering.

"Don't touch me... please don't."

You say, eyes set in a determined glare aimed at his face. 

His breath fluttering across your face as you both gasped for breath.

"Only answer my questions." You stutter.

"It depends on the questions, then I may or may not listen to your first instruction."

He grins.

You stand up, you can't stand his touch anymore. You hate it.

"First of all, what am I that you treat me like your pet."

"Oh, you'll have to figure that one out on your own." He says, smiling at your discomfort.

"That's not fair."

"It never counts when someone else tells you, they're always missing something. You'll figure it out." He mutters.

"Why does Jungkook.." you hesitate, the phrase is on the tip of your tongue.

"Not tell you the whole story? Treat you the way he does?" He tries to finish.

"No... well, does Jungkook know about my curse? Why does he do what he does... with...me?" You ask, stumbling over your words.

"Oh, Kookie? He's a piece of work isn't he. He's unpredictable, surly, and mindless. Besides, who could trust him if he tried to kill them."

"He did what? You're not making sense."

Yoongi smiled and stood up, his shadow looming over you.

"You wouldn't trust someone that tries to kill you right?"

Jungkook whipped around, "Y/n come here now." He demanded.

Yoongi took the strip of blotched leather that was knotted around his wrist and tied his hair back. A few strands fell out,covering his eyes and shading the side of his face with wisps of ashy blond hair.

Your back slammed into the wall behind you as you tried to get away from Yoongi. The opposite one that Jungkook was calling you from.

"Are you trying to kill me then?" You ask, mustering up some spunk.

"No, I'm trying to prove a point."

He stopped in his tracks, a foot before you.

"Y/n, listen to me." Concern was laced in his voice.

"Don't let him manipulate you. Please y/n. I want you to stay safe."


You sidestep him, pulling out the key in your pocket.

"I'm sick of both of you. Oh y/n don't fall for that, don't let him manipulate you.It's clear that both of you are manipulating me. And I don't appreciate the feeling of being tugged back and fourth between you two. Neither of you will tell me a shred of truth, no matter the circumstance."

You tear the Wilkie talkie from Jin's belt, and shove the key into the lock. You walk away down the halls, with the intent of brushing them both off. You just need a moment Alone. You wish that Taehyung was here. To merely just sit by your side, so you could feel he was there, that you had someone right beside you all the way.

You sprawl out on the floor a ways away from the cage you were trapped in. Your eyes fall closed and you spin into a blur of red, the after effects of the fluorescent white strip lights that line the ceilings.


A cracking static rouses you to your feet. You roughly press your finger down on the receiver and grumble into the deafening, chattering static.

"Hello unknown caller." You say smiling.

You had picked the line up from something before you had landed in this place full of Ghouls and twisted truth.

"Hi." You can barely hear it, but there was unmistakably a man on the other end.

"Why are you calling me at this time of night?" You ask, words lathered with sarcasm, and fake scenarios.

"How do you... I wanted to tell you something important." He replies.

"Yes?" You ask inquisitive, he's actually playing along with you.

"I want you to send a message to a friend." He mutters, a note of softness in his voice.


"Just... if you see them. Please tell them I love them."

"Okay, I'll be sure to tell them." You say, having no idea if you're dreaming or not or who them is.

You sign off,

"Well...Goodnight unknown caller."



Hey. I'm honestly leaving this bottom message so that I can get to 1000 words, I can't do anything less. That's a thing. So hello here's an advertisement. If you like books like this, check out Spirits by BepNugget and my other book A Hundred Summer Nights. It'll only get better. 

Also, checking out other titles by BepNugget wouldn't hurt. They will make your day I swear.


Do you want a sneak peak of the next chapter? Of course you do! 

Too bad you don't get one. 

Fine then. I'll give it to you:

You wake up in the warmth of his arms, you hold on to the sweet feeling and run your hands through his hair. It feels so nice to have him safe. Safe and in your arms. He isn't dead after all.

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