End, Final

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"N-now Shayla...W-we can talk about this..."

"We're married now Baby~ and I've been holding back for so long~~ I need you now~~"

A nervous blushing (Y/n) was slowly backing away from his newlywed bride, his boush growing redder by the second as she took a step forward for each step he took behind

"I've been patient all up until now my love~~ You have no idea how fucking hard it was~~ My body was practically screaming for you to make it yours~~ It wants you now~~ My body needs to belong to you alone~~!"

She suddenly lauched herself towards her Husband, knocking him to the bed, sitting on his pelvis as she pinned both his hands on either side of his head

"God~~ you look so fucking hot baby~~ Today's the day~~ I'm going to mark you as mine fully~~ Those bitches and fuckers will know that you're mine~~ and only mine~~"

The currently bright red (Y/n) looked up at his Wife, his face burning red


This caught Shayla by surprise

"W-what was that Darling?"

"I...I want kids...I-If you're going to mark me...t-then...go all the way...P-please make me a Father....a-and...please be the mother...o-or...i-in your terms..."

His bright red face looked at her, his eyes seeming so innocent...

"P-please drain m-my cock dry...~ p-please make me cum i-inside your pussy u-until I knock you up...~"


She slowly started to undress herself, right in front of his blushed face

"Darling....I can't hold back anymore...we're not leaving this bed for a while..."

She sat up ontop of him, her whole body exposed to his eyes, his face burning red, but didn't look away...not this time

"P-please...Don't leave me alone..."

Her eyes flashed a look of worry and desperation, leaning down and capturing my lips with hers, one of her hands left his and traveled down to his clothed lower body, his eyes shut as a soft gasp escaped his lips as he softly kisses her back, his free hand softly grabbing a handful of her hair, feeling it between his fingers.

"Haa..~ Haa..~"

"Haa~~ Let's get these clothes off Darling~~"

I was gonna ask if You would like a 'lemon'....but too many simp haters so nope


"Momma! Papa!"

A young 10 boy called out as he ran to his father

"Oh? Hello there my little warrior king!"

(Y/n) picked up his son, he could see that he had his mother's eyes, but his hair

"How was school today my boy?"

"Papa! I got into a fight at school!"

Immediately, Silence filled the room


Almost instantly, His beloved Wife seemed to appeared next to him, her eyes filled with worry

"What happened Darling?! Did something hurt you or our little angel?! Who do I need to gut?!"

"Our Son got into a fight!!"

"....Did he win?"


(S/n) watched as his father seemed worried, but his mother calm and thoughtful

"Momma and Papa are weird"

This caught his Father's attention

"Now (S/n), It's not polite to call-Wait! I'll lecture you later! Tell us everything!




"So then I kicked his leg and pushed him to a tree! He was crying and ran away!"

(Y/n) looked a little calmer, but no less worried, his mother though...

"That's my boy! Finally giving that bully a taste of his own medicine! I'm so proud of you!"

S/n smiled happily at his mother's approval, he then looked to his father


"....I can't say I approve..."

The young boy softly looked down

"I'm sorry pa-"

"You could've done better than that! Use your words too! Actions speak louder but we have our mouths for a reason Son!"

(S/n) looked up at his father, shocked


"And while you're fighting was defense, you could've at least left a mark! What if that bully comes back?! Assert your role as a warrior king! Remind that bully who's top dog!"

(S/n) looked at him with a big smile and nodded his head

"Y-yes Papa! I will!"

"That's my Little warrior king!"

Shayla looked at the scene before her...her Darling...her beautiful son...smiling...it was everything she dreamed for...to think that...a long time ago...all this...never would've happened...if he hadn't forgiven her...her beautful Darling...

'I knew you would make an incredible Father...Thank you Da-'

"So when will you fuck momma and give me a little sibling papa?"


"....Momma....said that didn't she...?"

Their young son nodded his head

'Oh fuck...'

Slowly, (Y/n) turned his head and looked at his Beloved wife, his innocent smilr showing...with a dark aura around him

"My little warrior king...Go to your room and take a little nap with your earmuffs, I know how much you like Silence, I'll buy you ice cream"

Seeing his son's eyes sparkling, he gently kissed his forehead before seeing his son go to his room

"Now then..."

He reached out and grabbed a slowly tip toeing Shayla by her shirt

"U-um, Baby? I-it isn't what it sounds like-"

"You've been teaching him how to curse haven't you?"

Softly gulping, she nodded

"O-only because he needs to learn Darling, how else will he kick butt and take names?"

"The same way he'll graduate and live the rest of his life happy"

"I'm sorry Darling..."

With a soft smile, he softly pressed his lips against her cheek

"I'm not mad...I just prefer he didn't start until 18..."

"Darling, You cursed too ya know, when we-"

"Finish that sentence and we will give our little warrior his sibling"



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