She's too Awesome...

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TimeSkip,2 weeks

'Hard to believe that it's only been two weeks since I chose... well...cried and chose to give Shayla a second she takes it seriously,She always makes sure that I feel loved every day,she rarely if ever leaves me alone,and the moment when she does,she immediately finishes what she starts and instantly calls me, screaming where the #*#* I was... I'm starting to feel like I'm the submissive one... considering that in our current sitting on her lap while her breasts softly press against my chest as I was blushing beet red. It definitely doesn't help the fact that she's looking at me Smirking...that...god like beautiful smirk...'

Shayla: Something on your mind baby~? (she told me in a flirty tone,making me blush redder)

"n-no Shayla...(I nervously said as I look away,I couldn't stare at her beautiful eyes,even after she cheated on me... she's still my only love...)

Shayla: You're so cute when your blushing babe~(She hugged me tighter and closer to her) I can't wait until later...When I make you Scream~~ (My eyes widen as steam came out my ears,I could feel my face becoming redder each second...wait...)

"S-shayla...d-did you...g-give your f-first time...T-to that guy...?" (she instantly stopped with her flirty tone and looked at me with a flash of regret in her eyes) S-shayla...I-Its okay...i-i understand why...i-i mean look at me... I-i'm pathe-(She grabbed the back of my head and forced it on her shoulder,making my gasp and blush even more) S-shayla...?(she was shaking...)

Shayla:I-i shouldn't have...(she began) I-i promised that you w-would be my first... I wanted you to be my first...t-then I went ahead and broke that promise...t-that piece of shit wasn't worth a-a bucket of horse Shit...but... I-I made the worst choice of my life a-And let him have his way.....(there was a short pause before I felt her holding onto me tighter, as if I would leave her again) I-it should've been you...I-i should've given my first time to you...I'm sorry Y/n...I'm so so sorry...(She sounded like she had more to say but the more I hear...the sadder I got...I wasn't mad at her,far from it...I-i made her cry again...)

"S-sweetie...(I felt her tense up as she loosened her grip,still having her arms around my waist as she looked down at me, remembering that I only reached up to her nose) I-Its okay... I-Im not m-mad at you...yeah i-it hurts that y-you freely gave away something s-sacred w-while I'm still a virgin...b-but don't be sad...I-i've already forgiven you...a-And if you still have doubts...then f-for now till after the end... I-i'll prove to you t-that I forgive you...a-And I always will... B-because...(I slowly moves my hand to her eyes and softly wipe the tears from her cheeks and eyes) I-i love you...F-forever and always...M-My Beautiful Angel...(I finished with a small smile as my own tears fell down,I must look like such a wuss to her.......I wasn't prepared for what she did next)

(Shayla's POV)

'....why God...why did you bless this innocent pure boy to me...I've done nothing but make his hell...yet he still loves much...Mine... he's mine...I don't care about anyone else...this young angel that I have in my all mine...

...I can't take it...his beautiful smile...his warming eyes...his loving heart...I want it all...I can't let anyone take him won't let anyone get between us....not again...

"Y/n...(I was about to say before the same guy that took my Virginity started walking towards us...that look...he's planning to take me away from my other won't happen...I won't leave My y/n again...)

???:Hey Shayla~(He said in a disgusting voice,I felt my love softly shivering in my teeth begin to clench... he's scaring my sweetheart...I quickly relaxed myself) Well the girl dumbed me so I thought why not we go out~? (Each word that exits his mouth is poison...My Love's hands grip my jacket tightly...I'm this close to smashing that jerk's face in)

"Sorry Freak...but I'm with my True lover...Who despite me making the worst mistake in my life...still gave me a second chance...So why not go to your pit and never talk to me again...(I softly spoke with malice in my voice as I looked down at my lover's face to see him...Softly smiling with joy filled eyes,oh god that's so cute~)

???:this little freak? (he called out...he...didn't just call my Lover...a freak...) You know I can do way better than that Loser! (My beloved's hands clenched harder on my jacket...if he says one more lie About my Y/n...) And I'll prove it! Come here you~ (he said as his perverted hands cupped my cheeks and held my face in front of his as he started leaning in,No... stop it! I will not cheat on My Y/n again!!... that's when it happened...The perv was on the ground with a broken nose and a few teeth missing,my eyes landed on a fist that was connected to My lover...he...protected me...)

"Y-Y/n..." (he got off my lap and Proceeded to pin the guy down and looked at him with a death glare...why...does his glare make my knees weak...)

Y/n's POV

'I've had enough...of this perverted Creature...He can Hurt me...he can insult me...but...NO ONE lays a finger on My Angel...'

"Listen you Miserable Waste of air,I've had enough of you, first you Took away something sacred from my angel,then you leave her for some other girl,then you come back and try to force her to get back with you...not only have the touch her Perfect skin with your Disgusting hands...(the man started to get angry,only for me to slam his head harder to the ground) Don't move a FUCKING inch you dog...(I was to angry to notice I just cursed) Now... you are going to walk away and leave us alone...if not... I'll get a fishing hook,Drive it through your mouth until it pops out of your skull and use you as a lure for fishing...Got it?! (The pervert nodded in fear) now... Get the FUCKING HELL AWAY FROM MY GIRLFRIEND!!! (I stood up and kicked him in his useless tool, causing the pervert to cry out in pain as he painfully crawled away.) "Huff "puff" wait...w-what did i-i just...(I was horrified,i-i just...i-oh gods oh gods! What have I...wait...S-shayla...i slowly turned around) "S-shayla...?" (She just sat there,with her eyes widen with a look of surprise on her face...oh no... S-she's going to leave m-me again,how could I've been S-so stu-)
...'that's when...I felt her... perfect lips on she slowly pulled away and looked down at me with a smirk of love, admiration and...a lustful look...oh gods...was what I thought when she spoke...'

Shayla:That was Hot Y/n, didn't know you had such malice and protection in you...but...when I drag you back won't need protection~ (She winked as I stood there blushing... except I didn't get what she meant,but she quickly picked me up bridal style and started carrying me to her house as I was a blushing mess and buried my face in her shoulder... w-what does she have planned f-for me...?)

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