Should i...?

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Y/n's Pov:

'I was starting to run out of breath but i kept running as long as it could, hearing her coming closer)'

Shayla:Y/n!! Please wait!! Don't go!!

'I closed my eyes tightly as tears rolled down harder,i wanted to stop...i wanted her to just tackle me to the ground,hold me and kiss the living day lights out of me...i-i wanted her so why...? Why did she do this...? How could she do this...? That's the reason I'm still running...I can't bear to hear her explain it... the faults I have...the reason why she did it in the first matter how she'll try to sugar coat it, it'll still feel like someone pushing salt in my bleeding heart...but then...I felt a hand on thing I knew,I was on the ground in the middle of an alley way with Shayla sitting on my legs, pinning my hands above my head with one hand and cupping my cheek with the other...she caught me...'

'Both our breaths were heard only to us as she looked into my (Eye color) eyes with her dark purple ones...hidden sadness and desperation behind them as she softly started to speak in a tired,but determined voice'

Shayla:P-please...Stop running away...Don't leave me...(I tried to look away but her hand kept my face in place) please don't look away...I-Im sorry...I'm sorry for cheating on you with that Bastard...I'm sorry for Beating you up...I'm sorry for Slamming the door in your face...But please...I-i can't take it anymore...I-i wanted so badly to redo that all over...To Beat that fucking Hug and kiss you instead of hurting you...To pull you inside instead of pushing you out...Please...Give me a second chance...(Her much pain...but also...truth...)

"Shayla... p-please just-(But she cut me off by Tighting her grip on my hands) o-ow... S-shayla...y-you're hurting me...

(Shayla):D-don't say it...p-please don't say it...Your my only one...m-my other half...I can't be complete without you...I still remember when you supported me when my first ex cheated on me...when you always made me feel special... please...just let me make this right...Let me Prove to you that without you in my life...I can't be complete...(I don't know how much longer I can hear her's so full of pain...and sadness...this isn't the Shayla I know...I...I caused her more pain than she caused could I have done this to her...M-My Raging goddess...)

"S-shayla...c-Can you...p-please loosen your grip a-a little...? (she looked at me,I could tell she thought that I would run the second she so much as loosen a single ounce of her strength) O-or not...but...

(I take a deep breath and look into her gorgeous Eyes)

"I-Im sorry...(She looked surprised) a-And don't say I s-shouldn't say Sorry...i-i am...i-i caused you more pain than you could ever cause me...I-Im so sorry i-i made you feel pain a-And sadness...(I couldn't hold back my tears as they started to blur my vision) i-i think i-i get why you c-cheated... B-because I-Im p-pathetic right...? (I continued to hurt my already pained self-esteem,not noticing her body starting to shake) a-And worthless...


"A c-complete waste of life..."

Shayla:SHUT UP!!!

(I suddenly felt her lips smash into mine and her free hand left my cheek and slid under my shirt,I softly shivered and blushed at her soft touch as her tongue forced itself into my mouth,taking dominance over my own tongue...This kiss... I-Its... Incredible...I felt my tears fall down harder as for once since this tragedy happened...I softly kissed her back as her she let go of my hands and wrapped her other arm around my waist as I wrapped mine around her neck...maybe...she does... really love goddess...Forgive me for hurting you...)

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