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(Y/n's POV)

It's been one week since she said those words,It's a good thing the bell rung before she could kiss me, giving me time to escape,but as the school day ended,I walked out to see...her...Wearing her normal bad girl attire with sunglasses...oh god...she looks so breathta-no,stop it y/n! S-she needs to find someone better...

(Shayla's POV)

That Stupid bell...I was so close to kissing close...It wasn't,it won't matter... I'm going to prove that I only love him...(I said in my head as I placed my hand over my heart,the pain still lingers in it) That bastard...If he wasn't born...if he never came between me and my Cute's in the past...i have to get him back...I can't lose him...I-i just can't...(I looked up and Saw him,the love of my life) There he is...(I walked up in front of him) Hey Babe~ (I said softly and saw as he blushed and looked away...good god he's so Cute)

(Y/n):S-shayla...! I-i told you y-you can't call me that...Y-Your boyfri-(He started saying but i looked around, Making sure no one was looking before pinning him on the wall outside of the school and pressing my lips on his soft ones...oh god,his lips felt so soft and they tasted like chocolate,I felt him fighting it,I couldn't pull away,if I do, I'll lose him forever. I don't want that...)

(Y/n's POV)

I panicked,She was kissing felt like heaven-no! I can't give in!

"M-mmph!!! (I struggled, Trying to pull away from her kiss,only for her to slide down and Give my butt a squeeze,I didn't know why but it made me let out a soft moan,making her shove her tongue in my mouth)

(Thinks) O-oh no...I-Im becoming addicted T-to her again...N-no!!!

(I somehow found a way out and pulled away from her heated kiss long enough to slide from her arms and looking down with a heavy blush while shaking my head)

"Y-you can't anymore Shayla... P-please understand...I-i still love you...w-with my whole being...b-but...I just can't forget that pain...please...find someone better...i-i can't take it i-if you keep doing this...

(I looked up at her with tears stinging my eyes as she looked shocked)

(Shayla's POV)

N-no...h-he can't be...H-he doesn't mean that...

"B-baby...I-(His face looked pained as he took off running) Y/n!! Wait, please!! (I ran after him,I can't let him leave me,I still want badly,I...I need him...I can't let him get away!)

(Y/n's POV)

I ran as fast as my legs could take me as I felt her steps coming closer and closer,I can't let her catch me,This pain is too much...I just want to be left alone...

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