what are you doing...?

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(Y/n's POV)
( I woke up from an awful night sleep,I couldn't sleep at all...she was there in my dreams... Torturing me... laughing at my pain as I was chained,Forced to be a slave to her...I quickly shook the thought off my head and got ready for school as I sighed) I really hope Shayla isn't going to be there today...i-i don't think my heart can take it...(but as I reached the school front door and entered,She was there and by the looks of it,She was holding a red rose with dried tears in her eyes,Odd how no one saw that but then again, They were too scared to look at her directly. I stood there,looking at her while Doing my best not to run as quickly as I can as she walked in front of me and Presented me the rose and a flash of regret filled her eyes as she looked at my face,seeing how bruised it was with a bandage covering my right eye as she spoke in a soft voice)

Shayla:H-hey y/n...I-i know how you've always got m-me gifts S-so...I-i got you this rose... r-remember...? Y-you always gave me one every time we gone out on a date...(She said as I was shocked,Never have I heard her stutter,not once and yet here she was,Like if she was the shy type)

Y/n:o-oh... t-thank you S-shayla...(I reached out to grab the rose but she let it go and grabbed my hand,Pinning me to the wall,making me gasp as she held my hands above my head with only one hand and used the other to gently cup my cheek) S-s-shayla..? Y-you can't...Y-Your boyfriend W-wont like this...(As I said this,She looked into my eyes with her Dark red ones and with desperation in them)

Shayla:p-please...take me back...(She spoke in a soft broken voice) I...I need you...I-I never should've Fucked that Bastard...He cheated on me after 2 fucking days!! H-he...Only wanted me for my body...B-but you...you loved me for me...Y-You're so innocent...s-so kind...S-so nice to everyone despite what they do to you...I-I regret cheating on you and beating you up...please...I-I miss your hugs...I missed it when I could call you mine...I-I miss you so much...M-My heart cries for yours...please...Give me a second chance...I-i swear to God I won't ever beat or cheat on you ever again...a-And I'll fucking kill anyone who thinks they can hurt you...(She finishes saying as I stood shocked...she...really means all that...I-I want her back so badly too...I missed her Lavender scent...her "Not Caring" attitude...just being with her still makes my heart throb...But...)

Y/n:P-please...let me go...(I said with tears falling down my eyes) i-i did my best...to be worthy o-of being called Y-Your boyfriend... B-but tell me...i-if you were t-the one t-that caught me cheating... W-would you...Give me a second chance...? (I looked as her eyes widen and she looked down) E-exactly, p-please...just let me go a-and you c-can find a-a better boyfriend than I c-could ever be...(I did my best smile to her,But she only looked more heartbroken and tighten her grip on my hands) o-ow...S-shayla...t-that hurts...

Shayla:N-no...(she said in Broken deep voice) W-we were supposed T-to be together...I-i Promised you I would marry you...Y-you can't just throw all that away...no...I won't let you leave me again...I'm never letting you go....I'm not going to let some Whore take advantage of your Innocents...(She said, starting to scare me as she was leaning in too close for comfort)

Y/n:S-shayla...please don't...(I pleaded for her stop)

Shayla:Shhhh... Don't fight this...let me make it up to you...(she Whispered softly in my ear as her lips were inching closer to mine while I  continued to struggle to escape.)

Y/n: S-Shayla...y-you can't...P-please...(I whimpered gently as she stopped for a second and looked at me with her cold but beautiful Dark purple eyes)

Shayla: I'll always carry the sin of what I've done...but I will never let you leave me... I'll be better...I won't let any other Guy Get to me... you're the only one... you're mine...And I don't care how long it takes...I will prove to you that I only love you...And that any girl who tries to hurt,take or taint you...Will ANSWER TO ME...

(Holy gods it feels weird to curse 😶)

(Holy gods it feels weird to curse 😶)

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