You do?

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"There's one last option" hailey smiled and sat down next to Sadie again. Sadie sat up straight and smiled, "throw it at me" she nodded. Jay laughed a little, "you become my CI" he smiled weakly. Sadie raised her eyebrows, "you're what now?" She laughed a little. Hailey smiled, "a confidential informant" she nodded. Sadie mouthed 'oh', "isn't that like a spy?" She smiled. Jay laughed a little, "if that's what you wanna call it then yeah, it's like a spy" he smiled and sat down on the chair in front of her. Sadie smiled, "so I can be a spy?" She widened her eyes.

"You have to understand what it would get you into though, it would mean you have to supply me with sufficient evidence when we need it. Your record would stay clean until your 18, that's when you would stop being my CI and go on your own path" he smiled weakly. Sadie smiled, "I'll do it" she nodded. Jay looked at hailey in worry, "you do understand it all don't you?" He tilted his head. Sadie nodded, "mmhmm, I'll do it" she smiled. Hailey placed a hand on her shoulder, "it's a dangerous job Sadie..." she looked at her in concern. Sadie smiled and shook her head, "It can't be any worse then what goes on at...never mind. I still wanna do it" she nodded.

Jay frowned, "you do?" He spoke surely, Sadie smiled, "yeah, I mean, you can't chose what born into but you can change it right?" She tilted her head. Jay smiled and nodded, "you sure can kiddo" he looked at hailey for reassurance. Hailey smiled, "we've just gotta fill out a few forms, we'll be right back then we can take you home okay?" He nodded at the kid. Sadie smiled, "sure" she nodded then watched the detectives leave. She can handle this right? Right...?

Jay and hailey came back into the break room with a few forms, "we just have a few quick questions since you're still a minor" jay nodded. Sadie smiled and nodded back signalling for them to ask away, "where would we find you when we need information?" Hailey smiled. Sadie laughed a little, "probably the abandoned library on 112th..." she looked down. Hailey looked at jay sadly, "school name?" Jay kept his eyes on the paper. Sadie froze, uh oh, "I don't go to school..." she looked down. Jay looked up, "you don't?" He furrowed his brows. Sadie kept her head down, "no I uh, I teach myself..." she spoke quietly. Hailey looked at jay worriedly, every child is meant to attend school until the age of 18, but they knew the only way they could get her into a good school was through dcfs. So it wasn't even an option...

"Do you have a phone?" Hailey spoke softly, Sadie smiled, "yeah" she nodded and looked up. Hailey smiled back, "could you write your number down for us?" She slid a piece of paper to the kid. Sadie smiled and wrote down her number, she was lucky to have a phone and she was super grateful too. "Let's get you home" jay smiled and stood up. Sadie smiled and nodded as she followed hailey out of the bullpen. This wasn't how she expected to spend her night.

"Is this it?" Jay pulled up near a fairly big house even though it looked fairly empty. Sadie smiled, "mmhmm" she nodded and undone her seatbelt, they were parked a few doors down so they didn't look suspicious, after all this is a sketchy neighbourhood. "Hey kiddo, stay safe yeah? And stay in town" jay looked back towards Sadie before she got out of the car, "I will and thank you, for everything" she smiled. The partners nodded as she got out of the car and ran towards the big house, "I feel like I need to do something, like I should be helping her..." jay huffed. Hailey smiled, "you're doing everything you can, there's only so much we can do safely and you're doing your best" she nodded. Jay smiled, she's like a philosopher with words.

"What's she doing?" Jay furrowed his brows as the pair sat and watched Sadie climb up the side of the house using the pipe and climb through a window, hailey shrugged, "no idea..." she sighed. Jay huffed at the fact that he doesn't know what she's dealing with at home but he drove off since there wasn't anything more he could do.

Sadie climbed through her window and fell into her room, her cold empty room, but hey, at least she has a bed. She was greeted by her brother who was stood in the corner of her room, "where have you been?" He growled. Sadie huffed and put her hoodie on, "out" she shrugged her shoulders. Her brother, Luke, is 19 and is the leader of his little gang. Luke scoffed, "out? What's that supposed to mean?" He walked up to her. Sadie moved away from him, "does it matter?" She sat on her bed. Luke laughed in disbelief, "stop being cocky, did you do what I said?" He shot her evil glares. Sadie groaned, "oh my god! Yes I did! Now can you get out of my room?" She snapped. Luke scoffed but slammed her door as he left. She rolled her eyes but crashed into a sleep straight away since she was exhausted...

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