I missed her...

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*4 years later*

                 Sadie found herself stood in the 21st districts reception holding and envelope with a letter inside.  She's 19 now and she hasn't been jays CI for around a year but they stay in contact a lot, but she's been in the army, and today she's being deployed for the first time.  She couldn't be anymore happy with where she is now, she's proud, grateful, joyous, and beyond excited for her next chapter.

                 "Sadie..." trudy looked at her in shock, sadies hair was slicked back into a middle parting low bun, she had her military gear on and she was smiling widely.  Sadie smiled and walked up to the desk, "hey trudy, is jay here? Hailey?" She tilted her head.  Trudy frowned, "they actually just got called out kiddo, I'm sorry..." she sighed. 

                   Sadie smiled but shrugged her shoulders, "it's alright, they're busy saving the city" she laughed.  Trudy nodded and smiled, "are you training still?" She pointed at sadies military gear in confusion.  Sadie smiled but shook her head, "I'm being deployed, today..." she tilted her head. 

                   Trudy looked at her in shock, "you've done yourself and jay proud kiddo" she smiled, god she's get emotional soon and that's rare for Mrs trudy platt.  Sadie smiled, "thanks Sarge" she nodded but put the envelope on the desk. 

                   "Could you give this to jay? I have to leave for the airport..." Sadie sighed sadly but she knew they had work to do.  Trudy nodded, "of course sades, and hey, kick ass out there okay?" She squeezed the young woman's hand.  Sadie smiled, "I will Sarge and I'll see you all real soon" she put her hands in her pocket and turned to leave.  Trudy watched her proudly as she left, she can remember the first time she saw Sadie and now looking at her made her emotional. 

                     At around 1pm jay and hailey walked back into the district once their field work was complete, "chuckles, this is for you" trudy smiled and slid the envelope over to him.  Jay tilted his head but took it, "thanks Sarge" he nodded and headed upstairs with his partner.  "Who's it off?" Hailey smiled.  Jay shrugged as they sat down on their desk tables.

Jay opened the envelope and out fell a necklace and a written letter, it was sadies necklace which he gave to her on her 15th birthday. His eyes furrowed in confusion as he picked up the chain necklace and opened up the letter to see a note, in sadies writing.

*hey, it's me, sades. I just wanted to let you know that I wouldn't be where I am today without you, hailey or the unit. I'm super grateful for everything you've done for me over these last few years and a million thank you's wouldn't even come close to how much I appreciate you. I had a sneaky feeling you'd be out saving the city so I wrote this note instead, I'm being deployed today and I just wanted to give you something, you know, just so you don't forget me :) And by the way, if I don't come back to a whole wedding planned between you and hailey, I'm throwing hands*

Jay frowned and put the letter down on his leg, "what's up?" Hailey noticed his change of mood. Jay looked up with a sad but proud glare, "sadies been deployed today, I missed her..." he looked down. Hailey stood up, "oh...she'll be fine jay, besides, she's learnt from you and that's all she needs. Is that her necklace?" She pointed to the small necklace.

Jay smiled, "mmhmm, read the letter" he riddled with it and signalled for hailey to read it. Hailey smiled and began reading it, "god she's a good kid" she smiled proudly. Jay nodded, "she'll be back soon, we can see her then..." he sighed thinking of how long they would have to go without hearing from her. Possibly 4 months, 7 months, or maybe even 9...

*7 months later*

Sadie, now 20 years old, found herself stood at the bottom of the district stairs, she was in the best physical and mental state possible and she had survived her first deployment overseas. She happily strolled up the stairs and walked into the reception to find trudy stood talking to hailey and jay, oh my, how she's missed those faces...

Trudy trailed off her sentence as she saw Sadie stood there in her military gear just how she saw her last, "sades..." she gasped and smiled at her, the rare smile she flashed people was warm. Jay furrowed his brows but turned around and sure enough there she was, Sadie Delgado, stood proudly in her gear.

"Long time no see" Sadie smiled and walked over to them. Jay smiled back, his eyes practically lit up since he was the one who more or less raised her through her teenage years, "come here" he held his arms out. She laughed and gave him a brotherly hug which they stayed in for a few seconds before hailey split them up, "my turn" she laughed and pulled Sadie into a motherly hug.

When they pulled away from the hug Sadie gasped at the ring on haileys finger, "oh my god, now way! You finally found the ball..." she looked at jay with a smirk. Jay laughed, "there's no need for you to throw hands now" he smiled, referring to the note she left him the day she was deployed. Sadie laughed, "good point" she shrugged. Jay smiled, "come on, let's go see the team" he nodded to the cage, "happily" she smiled back and followed them up.

It's funny how life works, there's over a billion human beings on this earth, all made out of the same flesh but yet every single person has a different story. And those stories are what makes us unique, but miss Sadie Delgado has a bloody good story to tell to her future husband when she finds him...

*don't worry, I've got an alternative ending. Be prepared to cry...*

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