*alternative ending*

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* "Just lower the gun and we can all walk out of here alive..." jay tried to calm Q down as the man held the gun pointed towards Sadie, both him and hailey jumped out of their skin as Q fired 2 shots right at Sadies small body...

                    Q dropped his gun and ran towards hailey and jay but Vanessa took the shot using her sniper and they all watched the man drop to the floor with a thud.  It was only in that second when jay and hailey had realised what had gone on, jays eyes darted down to Sadie who was laying there rather lifeless.

He dropped down to the floor rapidly and unzipped sadies jacket so he could review the damage, god it's bad, two bullet wounds. One had hit her shoulder and the other had hit just below her ribs. "Hey hey hey, you're okay. Just stay awake for me..." he applied pressure to the wounds as hailey got down to help him.

The unit still hadn't moved in yet since they were quite a bit away from the location, and Sadie was bleeding out rather quickly. "Thank y-you, f-for ev...everything" Sadie stuttered out through her gasps for air.

Jay shook his head, "no no no, we're not doing that. Don't you die on me sades..." he held back his tears which were threatening to spill and applied more pressure as hailey helped. Sadie coughed out but it was just blood, she was becoming less and less aware of the pain as it drifted away and she felt nothing.

She reached her shaking hand down to her jacket pocket and pulled out the necklace jay gave her when she turned 15, without saying anything she took one of jays hands off her wound and opened it up as hailey replaced the hand covering the bleeding.  She placed the necklace in his hand and smiled sadly at him, "Sadie come on hang in there..." jay shook his head but clutched the necklace in his hand as her hand fell back down to the floor. 

                  Sadie smiled sadly as jay could see that she was just accepting death, but he wasn't prepared to lose her, not like this.  "Y-you two better get m-married..." she managed to laugh out.  Hailey already had tears coming down her cheeks and jay just let them roll down his cheeks as she said that, "shhh, don't waste your energy" he rubbed her freezing cold cheek. 

                   "Where's this ambo?!" Jay shouted out to the unit who had just arrived, "5 minutes out"  Kevin spoke out rather sadly at the sight.  Jay huffed, "we don't have 5 minutes!" He shouted out but turned to look back down at a rather pale and tired Sadie who's eyes were starting to shut. 

                   Sadie grabbed his wrist, "just let me g-go, we'll m-meet again soon..." she whispered out.  Jay shook his head, "no sades, c'mon keep fighting..." he pleaded but it was no use.  It was too late, sadies head hung to the side lifelessly as her final breath hitched in her throat, she was gone...

                  "No, no no no no..." jay cried out and began doing CPR but hailey could see that Sadie was gone, the precious girl was laying there lifeless, "jay she's gone..." she whispered sadly and placed a gentle hand on his arm.  Jay stopped doing compressions after a minute once reality hit him.  He sat back on his knees and just let his tears fall, as did his partner, "she's gone..." he repeated to himself... *

Jay woke up rather abruptly at the nightmare, 'the grief of losing someone you cared about will affect people differently...', the words of his old therapist rung through his head. It's been 8 years exactly since that night, since Sadie Delgado died, and he can still remember it all as clear as day...

He sat in bed alone for a minute as the sunlight shone through his blinds, the sweet sound of laughter coming from his beloved wife, and partner, mixed in with his beloved 7 year old daughters squeals danced through their family home. He smiled at the sound and threw his shirt back on before walking out to see his family, just like he promise Sadie Delgado...

"Go see daddy..." hailey laughed and waved her child off to jay. The excited 7 year old ran up to jay and jumped as he smiled and picked her up, "dad..." she tilted her head. Jay nodded, "yeah sweetie?" He walked over to the couch with her. "Why am I called Sadie?" She smiled innocently.

Hailey stopped in her tracks at that question and turned to face jay as jay sat down on the couch and shot hailey a sad look, "lets see then. Story time..." he sighed and faced her on the couch. Hailey walked over and sat down too.

Sadie nodded, "alright, so 9 years ago Me and your mommy worked a case with a young girl called Sadie Delgado, and she became my CI..." he started but his daughters gasp cut him off, "oooo, isn't that like a spy?" Her eyes glistened. Jay laughed as did hailey, that's exactly what Sadie said when jay told her about it 9 years ago.

"It is baby, but one day something went really wrong and we lost Sadie..." he finished. His daughter frowned, "but you found her right?" She asked an innocent question, "no baby, not lost like that. She died..." hailey rubbed her daughters arm. Sadie frowned, "what was she like?" She tilted her head.

Jay smiled, "well she was funny, strong, caring, and determined..." he softened his gaze at the thought of his best CI to date. Sadie, his daughter, smiled, "so that's why I'm called Sadie Marie Halstead?" She smiled. Jay nodded, "it it darling" he rubbed her cheek.

"One second, I've got something for you" jay nodded and got off the couch. He walked over to the shelf and pulled out a jewellery box where he then continued to pull out a bracelet, the bracelet he gave Sadie Delgado on the day of her 15th birthday. He walked back over to his family and sat back down, hailey had a huge smile on her face.

"This is yours now..." jay placed it around his daughters neck as she smiled at the sparkling metal. That's how life works, it's a cruel world and not everything goes to plan, but Sadie Delgado done jay and hailey proud up until the day she passed...

*hey guys. That definitely want sad at all 🥲 sorry that I haven't published in a while lol. I hope you guys enjoyed it, I have a lot more unpublished drafts I'm still working on too. I hope you're all staying safe and beautiful as always :)*

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